
DataErrorInfo Property (ErrorEventArgs)

If this error event was fired due to a data error, this will return the DataErrorInfo instance associated with it. Otherwise it will return null.
Public ReadOnly Property DataErrorInfo As DataErrorInfo
public DataErrorInfo DataErrorInfo {get;}
Following code shows some of the information available in Error event. The UltraGrid fires Error event when there is an error. There are three types of Error events. You can check which type this instance is by looking at the ErrorType property off the passed in ErrorEventArgs parameter. If the error type is Data, then the error occured while trying to commit the user input into a cell. The underlying data source can throw an exception when updating a cell or a row with new user input for example, when the user inputs a value that can't be converted to the underlying column's data type or when the input doesn't satisfy underlyng database constraints. If the error type of Mask, then there was some mask related event.

For an overview of how to handle events in Visual Basic or Visual C#, see Event Handlers in Visual Basic and Visual C#. For specific information and code examples illustrating how to consume events in your application, see Consuming Events in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
Imports System.Diagnostics

   Private Sub UltraGrid1_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ErrorEventArgs) Handles ultraGrid1.Error

       If e.ErrorType = ErrorType.Data Then
           ' DataErroInfo object contains details regarding the data error.

           ' ErrorText property contains the error message.
           Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: Error text = " & e.DataErrorInfo.ErrorText)

           ' Exception property will contain the exception that caused the Error event to fire.
           ' It will be null if there was no exception.
           If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Exception Then
               Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: Exception type = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Exception.GetType().Name)
               Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: No Exception.")
           End If

           ' Cell returns the cell involved in the data error. It will be null for errors generated
           ' when performing operations like adding or deleting rows or operations that do not
           ' deal with a cell.
           If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Cell Then
               Debug.WriteLine("DataError: Cell's column key = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Cell.Column.Key)
               Debug.WriteLine("DataError: No cell.")
           End If

           ' Row returns the row involved in the data error. It will be null if error occurred while
           ' doing an operation that did not involve a row.
           If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Row Then
               Debug.WriteLine("DataError: Index of the row involved = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Row.Index)
               Debug.WriteLine("DataError: No row.")
           End If

           ' Source property indicates how the data error was generated.
           Debug.Write("DataError: Source of the error is ")
           Select Case (e.DataErrorInfo.Source)
               Case DataErrorSource.CellUpdate
                   If Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue Then
                       Debug.WriteLine("Cell updating.")
                       Debug.WriteLine("Cell updating with invalid value of " & e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue.ToString())
                   End If
               Case DataErrorSource.RowAdd
                   Debug.WriteLine("Row adding.")
               Case DataErrorSource.RowDelete
                   Debug.WriteLine("Row deleting.")
               Case DataErrorSource.RowUpdate
                   Debug.WriteLine("Row updating.")
               Case DataErrorSource.Unspecified
           End Select

           ' Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying a message for
           ' this error. Instead we will display our own message box below.
           e.Cancel = True

           MessageBox.Show(Me, _
            "Please enter a valid value for the cell." & vbCrLf & "Data error defatils:" & e.ErrorText, _
            "Invalid input", _
            MessageBoxButtons.OK, _

       ElseIf e.ErrorType = ErrorType.Mask Then
           ' MaskErroInfo property contains the detaisl regarding the mask error.

           ' InvalidText is the text in the cell that doesn't satisfy the mask input.
           Debug.WriteLine("Mask Error: Invalid text = " & e.MaskErrorInfo.InvalidText)

           ' StartPos may indicate the position in the text that caused the mask input
           ' verification failed.
           Debug.WriteLine("Mask Error: Character position = " & e.MaskErrorInfo.StartPos)

           ' Prevent the UltraGrid from beeping whenever the user types in a
           ' character that doesn't match the mask as well as for other mask
           ' related errors.
           e.MaskErrorInfo.CancelBeep = True
           ' Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying the message
           ' for this error.
           e.Cancel = True
           Debug.WriteLine("Unknown error occured with the error message of: " & e.ErrorText)
       End If

   End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void ultraGrid1_Error(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ErrorEventArgs e)

	if ( e.ErrorType == ErrorType.Data )
		// DataErroInfo object contains details regarding the data error.

		// ErrorText property contains the error message.
		Debug.WriteLine( "Data Error: Error text = " + e.DataErrorInfo.ErrorText );

		// Exception property will contain the exception that caused the Error event to fire.
		// It will be null if there was no exception.
		if ( null != e.DataErrorInfo.Exception )
			Debug.WriteLine( "Data Error: Exception type = " + e.DataErrorInfo.Exception.GetType( ).Name );
			Debug.WriteLine( "Data Error: No Exception." );

		// Cell returns the cell involved in the data error. It will be null for errors generated
		// when performing operations like adding or deleting rows or operations that do not
		// deal with a cell.
		if ( null != e.DataErrorInfo.Cell )
			Debug.WriteLine( "DataError: Cell's column key = " + e.DataErrorInfo.Cell.Column.Key );
			Debug.WriteLine( "DataError: No cell." );

		// Row returns the row involved in the data error. It will be null if error occurred while
		// doing an operation that did not involve a row.
		if ( null != e.DataErrorInfo.Row )
			Debug.WriteLine( "DataError: Index of the row involved = " + e.DataErrorInfo.Row.Index );
			Debug.WriteLine( "DataError: No row." );

		// Source property indicates how the data error was generated.
		Debug.Write( "DataError: Source of the error is " );
		switch ( e.DataErrorInfo.Source )
			case DataErrorSource.CellUpdate:
				if ( null == e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue )
					Debug.WriteLine( "Cell updating." );
					Debug.WriteLine( "Cell updating with invalid value of " + e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue.ToString( ) );
			case DataErrorSource.RowAdd:
				Debug.WriteLine( "Row adding." );
			case DataErrorSource.RowDelete:
				Debug.WriteLine( "Row deleting." );
			case DataErrorSource.RowUpdate:
				Debug.WriteLine( "Row updating." );
			case DataErrorSource.Unspecified:
				Debug.WriteLine( "Unknown." );

		// Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying a message for
		// this error. Instead we will display our own message box below.
		e.Cancel = true;
		MessageBox.Show( this, 
			"Please enter a valid value for the cell.\nData error defatils:" + e.ErrorText,
			"Invalid input",
			MessageBoxIcon.Error );
	else if ( e.ErrorType == ErrorType.Mask )
		// MaskErroInfo property contains the detaisl regarding the mask error.

		// InvalidText is the text in the cell that doesn't satisfy the mask input.
		Debug.WriteLine( "Mask Error: Invalid text = " + e.MaskErrorInfo.InvalidText );

		// StartPos may indicate the position in the text that caused the mask input
		// verification failed.
		Debug.WriteLine( "Mask Error: Character position = " + e.MaskErrorInfo.StartPos );

		// Prevent the UltraGrid from beeping whenever the user types in a
		// character that doesn't match the mask as well as for other mask
		// related errors.
		e.MaskErrorInfo.CancelBeep = true;
		// Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying the message
		// for this error.
		e.Cancel = true;
		Debug.WriteLine( "Unknown error occured with the error message of: " + e.ErrorText );


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also