
ResolveAppearance Method

Resolves selected properties of the control's Appearance.
Public Sub ResolveAppearance( _
   ByRef appData As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData, _
   ByRef requestedProps As Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags _
public void ResolveAppearance( 
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData appData,
   ref Infragistics.Win.AppearancePropFlags requestedProps


The structure to contain the resolved apperance.
Bit flags indictaing which properties to resolve.

Use this method to retrieve the actual values that are being used to format the control. This method returns a value for all Appearance properties or only for specified ones, tracing up the Appearance hierarchy if necessary. You can combine the bit flags for this method to specify which properties should be resolved.

Following code shows how to resolve appearance of a masked edit control.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit

  Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button5.Click
      ' AppearanceData is a structure type. Create an instance of it.
      Dim appData As AppearanceData = New AppearanceData()

      ' Specify which properties to resolve by bitwise or'ing the AppearancePropFlags enumeration
      ' members associated with the properties. You can use AllRender member to resolve all render
      ' properties which include all of the properties except the Cursor. Here we are only
      ' resolving BackColor and ForeColor properties.
      Dim propertiesToResolve As AppearancePropFlags = AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor Or AppearancePropFlags.BackColor

      ' Call ResolveAppearance passing in appData and propertiesToResolve flags as ref parameters.
      ' This method will set the requested properties on the passed in appData AppearanceData structure.
      Me.ultraMaskedEdit1.ResolveAppearance(appData, propertiesToResolve)

      ' Now the appData should have BackColor and ForeColor set to valid colors. These colors are
      ' the ones that the ultramasked edit will use to draw its background and its foreground.
      Debug.WriteLine("Resolved BackColor = " & appData.BackColor.ToString())
      Debug.WriteLine("Resolved ForeColor = " & appData.ForeColor.ToString())
  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	// AppearanceData is a structure type. Create an instance of it.
	AppearanceData appData = new AppearanceData( );

	// Specify which properties to resolve by bitwise or'ing the AppearancePropFlags enumeration
	// members associated with the properties. You can use AllRender member to resolve all render
	// properties which include all of the properties except the Cursor. Here we are only
	// resolving BackColor and ForeColor properties.
	AppearancePropFlags propertiesToResolve = AppearancePropFlags.ForeColor | AppearancePropFlags.BackColor;

	// Call ResolveAppearance passing in appData and propertiesToResolve flags as ref parameters.
	// This method will set the requested properties on the passed in appData AppearanceData structure.
	this.ultraMaskedEdit1.ResolveAppearance( ref appData, ref propertiesToResolve );

	// Now the appData should have BackColor and ForeColor set to valid colors. These colors are
	// the ones that the ultramasked edit will use to draw its background and its foreground.
	Debug.WriteLine( "Resolved BackColor = " + appData.BackColor.ToString( ) );
	Debug.WriteLine( "Resolved ForeColor = " + appData.ForeColor.ToString( ) );

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also