
ToolTipTitle Property (GalleryToolItem)

Gets the tool tip text to display for the item when the item is hovered over.
Public Property ToolTipTitle As String
public string ToolTipTitle {get; set;}
The sample demonstrates how to customize the behvior and appearance of an item in a gallery.

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
	' Get the gallery from the toolbars manager whose item will be customized
	Dim gallery As PopupGalleryTool = Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools("PopupGalleryTool1")

	' Set the item style of the gallery to StateButton so when items are 
	' clicking it the gallery, they display selected
	gallery.ItemStyle = ItemStyle.StateButton

	' Keep a reference to the first item in the gallery
	Dim item As GalleryToolItem = gallery.Items(0)

	' Set the columns span to two. This will cause the item to span the width 
	' of two normal sized items
	item.ColumnSpan = 2

	' Set the formatted description on this item.
	' This will appear beneath the title.
	item.Description = "<p style=""text-align:Right""><b>Bold</b><br/><i>Italics</i><br/><u>Underline</u></p>"

	' Set the title on the gallery item.  This will display in bold because the
	' item also has a description.
	item.Title = "Gallery Item With Formatted Description"

	' Set the image of the item.  This image will display to the left of the
	' title and description by default, but this is changed below.
	item.Settings.Appearance.Image = New Bitmap("C:\myItem.png")

	' Set the image area size.  Regardless of the size of the image, the space 
	' allocated to display the image will be 50x50.
	item.Settings.ImageAreaSize = New Size(50, 50)
	' Set the image padding.  The image will be shifted so there are 10 pixels
	' between the image and the right edge of the image area.
	item.Settings.ImagePadding.Right = 10
	' Set the selection display style.  This affects the display of the item
	' when it is the selected item in the gallery.
	' Note: This setting only applies when the ItemStyle of the gallery is StateButton.
	item.Settings.SelectionDisplayStyle = SelectionDisplayStyle.HighlightImageOnly
	' Set the text placement of the item so the title and description show
	' to the left of the image.
	item.Settings.TextPlacement = Infragistics.Win.TextPlacement.LeftOfImage

	' Set the text to appear in the tool tip for the gallery item when the cursor 
	' hovers over it.  This will actually not be seen in this example because 
	' the ToolTipTextFormatted is being set below, which shows instead of the the 
	' ToolTipText if it is set.
	item.ToolTipText = "This gallery item has a formatted description"
	' Set the formatted text to appear.  You can edit this property with the formatted 
	' text editor and use many formatting tags used in HTML.  If both ToolTipTextFormatted 
	' and ToolTipText are set, only the ToolTipTextFormatted will be seen.
	item.ToolTipTextFormatted = "<i>This</i> gallery item has a <b>formatted</b> description"
	' Set the title of the tool tip.  This will appear in bold above the tool tip text (or formatted text)
	item.ToolTipTitle = "Gallery Item 1"
End Sub
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
	// Get the gallery from the toolbars manager whose item will be customized
	PopupGalleryTool gallery = (PopupGalleryTool)this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools[ "PopupGalleryTool1" ];

	// Set the item style of the gallery to StateButton so when items are 
	// clicking it the gallery, they display selected
	gallery.ItemStyle = ItemStyle.StateButton;

	// Keep a reference to the first item in the gallery
	GalleryToolItem item = gallery.Items[ 0 ];

	// Set the columns span to two. This will cause the item to span the width 
	// of two normal sized items
	item.ColumnSpan = 2;

	// Set the formatted description on this item.
	// This will appear beneath the title.
	item.Description = "<p style=\"text-align:Right;\"><b>Bold</b><br/><i>Italics</i><br/><u>Underline</u></p>";

	// Set the title on the gallery item.  This will display in bold because the
	// item also has a description.
	item.Title = "Gallery Item With Formatted Description";

	// Set the image of the item.  This image will display to the left of the
	// title and description by default, but this is changed below.
	item.Settings.Appearance.Image = new Bitmap( "C:\\myItem.png" );

	// Set the image area size.  Regardless of the size of the image, the space 
	// allocated to display the image will be 50x50.
	item.Settings.ImageAreaSize = new Size( 50, 50 );
	// Set the image padding.  The image will be shifted so there are 10 pixels
	// between the image and the right edge of the image area.
	item.Settings.ImagePadding.Right = 10;
	// Set the selection display style.  This affects the display of the item
	// when it is the selected item in the gallery.
	// Note: This setting only applies when the ItemStyle of the gallery is StateButton.
	item.Settings.SelectionDisplayStyle = SelectionDisplayStyle.HighlightImageOnly;
	// Set the text placement of the item so the title and description show
	// to the left of the image.
	item.Settings.TextPlacement = Infragistics.Win.TextPlacement.LeftOfImage;

	// Set the text to appear in the tool tip for the gallery item when the cursor 
	// hovers over it.  This will actually not be seen in this example because 
	// the ToolTipTextFormatted is being set below, which shows instead of the the 
	// ToolTipText if it is set.
	item.ToolTipText = "This gallery item has a formatted description";
	// Set the formatted text to appear.  You can edit this property with the formatted 
	// text editor and use many formatting tags used in HTML.  If both ToolTipTextFormatted 
	// and ToolTipText are set, only the ToolTipTextFormatted will be seen.
	item.ToolTipTextFormatted = "<i>This</i> gallery item has a <b>formatted</b> description";
	// Set the title of the tool tip.  This will appear in bold above the tool tip text (or formatted text)
	item.ToolTipTitle = "Gallery Item 1";

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also