
Tools Property (OptionSet)

Returns a ToolsCollection of StateButtonTool objects for each StateButtonTool assigned to the OptionSet.
Public ReadOnly Property Tools As ToolsCollection
public ToolsCollection Tools {get;}

Returns a reference to a ToolCollection containing StateButtonTools for each tool in the OptionSet.

This property is read only.

The following code processes each toolbar defined to the Toolbars Manager and iterates through each toolbar's tools displaying tool properties as it goes.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub Button21_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button21.Click

		Debug.WriteLine("Tool property values")

		Debug.IndentLevel += 1
		Dim toolbar As UltraToolbar
		For Each toolbar In Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars
			Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' tool info -----------------------")

			Debug.IndentLevel += 1


			Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

		Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

	End Sub

	Private Sub ProcessToolsCollection(ByVal tools As ToolsCollection)

		Dim tool As ToolBase

		For Each tool In tools
			Debug.IndentLevel += 1

			' Display properties common to all tools (inherited from ToolBase).
			Debug.WriteLine("Tool #" + tool.Index.ToString() + " (Key: " + tool.Key + ") is a " + tool.GetType().Name.ToString())
			Debug.IndentLevel += 1

			' Display properties specific to each tool type.
			If TypeOf (tool) Is ComboBoxTool Then
				Dim comboBoxTool As ComboBoxTool = tool

				If Not comboBoxTool.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
					Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItem is of type: " + comboBoxTool.SelectedItem.ToString())
				End If
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is ControlContainerTool Then
				Dim controlContainerTool As ControlContainerTool = tool

				If controlContainerTool.CanSetWidth = True Then
					Debug.WriteLine("Its width CAN be set.")
					Debug.WriteLine("Its width CANNOT be set.")
				End If

				Debug.WriteLine("Its VerticalDisplayStyle is: " + controlContainerTool.VerticalDisplayStyle.ToString())
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is FontListTool Then
				Dim fontListTool As FontListTool = tool

				Dim mruItems As String = ""

				Dim mruItem As String
				For Each mruItem In fontListTool.MruItems
					mruItems += "[" + mruItem + "] "

				Debug.WriteLine("Its MruItems collection contains the following items: " + mruItems)
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is ListTool Then
				Dim listTool As ListTool = tool

				If Not listTool.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
					Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItem is of type: " + listTool.SelectedItem.ToString())
				End If

				Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItemIndex is: " + listTool.SelectedItemIndex.ToString())
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is MdiWindowListTool Then
				Dim mdiWindowListTool As MdiWindowListTool = tool

				If Not mdiWindowListTool.MdiContainerForm Is Nothing Then
					Debug.WriteLine("Its Mdi container form's name is: " + mdiWindowListTool.MdiContainerForm.Name)
				End If

				Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItemIndex is: " + mdiWindowListTool.SelectedItemIndex.ToString())
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is PopupColorPickerTool Then
				Dim popupColorPickerTool As PopupColorPickerTool = tool

				Debug.WriteLine("Its selected color is: " + popupColorPickerTool.SelectedColor.ToString())
				Debug.WriteLine("Its replaceable color is: " + popupColorPickerTool.ReplaceableColor.ToString())
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is PopupMenuTool Then
				Dim popupMenuTool As PopupMenuTool = tool

				Debug.WriteLine("Its DropdownArrowStyle is: " + popupMenuTool.DropDownArrowStyle.ToString())
				Debug.WriteLine("Its DropdownArrowStyleResolved is: " + popupMenuTool.DropDownArrowStyleResolved.ToString())

				If popupMenuTool.IsOpen = True Then
					Debug.WriteLine("It is currently OPEN")
					Debug.WriteLine("It is currently NOT open")
				End If

				Debug.IndentLevel += 1

				Debug.WriteLine("It contains the following tools: ")

				' Call this routine recursively to process each tool on the menu.

				Debug.IndentLevel -= 1
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is StateButtonTool Then
				Dim stateButtonTool As StateButtonTool = tool

				If Not stateButtonTool.OptionSet Is Nothing Then
					Debug.WriteLine("It does not have an associated OptionSet!")
					Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's Key is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSetKey)
					Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's AllowAllUp property is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSet.AllowAllUp.ToString())
					Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's currently selected tool key is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSet.SelectedTool.Key)

					Dim otherKeys As String = ""
					Dim optionSetTool As ToolBase
					For Each optionSetTool In stateButtonTool.OptionSet.Tools
						If optionSetTool.Key <> stateButtonTool.Key Then
							otherKeys += "[" + optionSetTool.Key + "] "
						End If

					Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet also contains tools with the following keys: " + otherKeys)
				End If
			End If

			If TypeOf (tool) Is TextBoxTool Then
				Dim textBoxTool As TextBoxTool = tool

				If textBoxTool.IsInEditMode = True Then
					Debug.WriteLine("It IS in edit mode")

					Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedText is: '" + textBoxTool.SelectedText)
					Debug.WriteLine("Its text selection starts at position: '" + textBoxTool.SelectionStart.ToString())
					Debug.WriteLine("Its text selection is of length: '" + textBoxTool.SelectionLength.ToString())
					Debug.WriteLine("It is NOT in edit mode")
				End If
			End If

			Debug.IndentLevel -= 1
			Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void button21_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			Debug.WriteLine("Tool property values");

			foreach(UltraToolbar toolbar in this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars)
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' tool info -----------------------");






		private void ProcessToolsCollection(ToolsCollection tools)

			foreach(ToolBase tool in tools)

				// Display properties common to all tools (inherited from ToolBase).
				Debug.WriteLine("Tool #" + tool.Index.ToString() + " (Key: " + tool.Key + ") is a " + tool.GetType().Name.ToString());

				// Display properties specific to each tool type.
				if (tool is ComboBoxTool)
					ComboBoxTool comboBoxTool = tool as ComboBoxTool;

					if (comboBoxTool.SelectedItem != null)
						Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItem is of type: " + comboBoxTool.SelectedItem.ToString());

				if (tool is ControlContainerTool)
					ControlContainerTool controlContainerTool = tool as ControlContainerTool;

					if (controlContainerTool.CanSetWidth == true)
						Debug.WriteLine("Its width CAN be set.");
						Debug.WriteLine("Its width CANNOT be set.");

					Debug.WriteLine("Its VerticalDisplayStyle is: " + controlContainerTool.VerticalDisplayStyle.ToString());

				if (tool is FontListTool)
					FontListTool fontListTool = tool as FontListTool;

					string mruItems = "";

					foreach(string mruItem in fontListTool.MruItems)
						mruItems += "[" + mruItem + "] ";

					Debug.WriteLine("Its MruItems collection contains the following items: " + mruItems);

				if (tool is ListTool)
					ListTool listTool = tool as ListTool;

					if (listTool.SelectedItem != null)
						Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItem is of type: " + listTool.SelectedItem.ToString());

					Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItemIndex is: " + listTool.SelectedItemIndex.ToString());

				if (tool is MdiWindowListTool)
					MdiWindowListTool mdiWindowListTool = tool as MdiWindowListTool;

					if (mdiWindowListTool.MdiContainerForm != null)
						Debug.WriteLine("Its Mdi container form's name is: " + mdiWindowListTool.MdiContainerForm.Name);

					Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedItemIndex is: " + mdiWindowListTool.SelectedItemIndex.ToString());

				if (tool is PopupColorPickerTool)
					PopupColorPickerTool popupColorPickerTool = tool as PopupColorPickerTool;

					Debug.WriteLine("Its selected color is: " + popupColorPickerTool.SelectedColor.ToString());
					Debug.WriteLine("Its replaceable color is: " + popupColorPickerTool.ReplaceableColor.ToString());

				if (tool is PopupMenuTool)
					PopupMenuTool popupMenuTool = tool as PopupMenuTool;

					Debug.WriteLine("Its DropdownArrowStyle is: " + popupMenuTool.DropDownArrowStyle.ToString());
					Debug.WriteLine("Its DropdownArrowStyleResolved is: " + popupMenuTool.DropDownArrowStyleResolved.ToString());

					if (popupMenuTool.IsOpen == true)
						Debug.WriteLine("It is currently OPEN");
						Debug.WriteLine("It is currently NOT open");


					Debug.WriteLine("It contains the following tools: " );

					// Call this routine recursively to process each tool on the menu.


				if (tool is StateButtonTool)
					StateButtonTool stateButtonTool = tool as StateButtonTool;

					if (stateButtonTool.OptionSet == null)
						Debug.WriteLine("It does not have an associated OptionSet!");
						Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's Key is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSetKey);
						Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's AllowAllUp property is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSet.AllowAllUp.ToString());
						Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet's currently selected tool key is: " + stateButtonTool.OptionSet.SelectedTool.Key);

						string otherKeys = "";
						foreach(ToolBase optionSetTool in stateButtonTool.OptionSet.Tools)
							if (optionSetTool.Key != stateButtonTool.Key)
								otherKeys += "[" + optionSetTool.Key + "] ";	

						Debug.WriteLine("Its associated OptionSet also contains tools with the following keys: " + otherKeys);

				if (tool is TextBoxTool)
					TextBoxTool textBoxTool = tool as TextBoxTool;

					if (textBoxTool.IsInEditMode == true)
						Debug.WriteLine("It IS in edit mode");

						Debug.WriteLine("Its SelectedText is: '" + textBoxTool.SelectedText);
						Debug.WriteLine("Its text selection starts at position: '" + textBoxTool.SelectionStart.ToString());
						Debug.WriteLine("Its text selection is of length: '" + textBoxTool.SelectionLength.ToString());
						Debug.WriteLine("It is NOT in edit mode");




Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also