
UltraTaskPaneToolbar Constructor(String)

Initializes a new UltraTaskPaneToolbar
Public Function New( _
   ByVal key As String _
public UltraTaskPaneToolbar( 
   string key


The key to assign to the toolbar.
The following example demonstrates how to create an UltraTaskPaneToolbar and initialize some of the common properties. Note, the sample assumes that you have an UltraDayView, UltraMonthViewSingle, and UltraWeekView on the form.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub UltraButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltraButton2.Click
		' create a new task pane toolbar and add it to
		' the toolbars collection of the manager
		Dim taskPane As New UltraTaskPaneToolbar("TaskPaneDemo")
		taskPane.Text = "TaskPane"


		' create new task pane tools that will represents items
		' in the task pane toolbar menu
		Dim dayTool As New TaskPaneTool("dayview")
		Dim weekTool As New TaskPaneTool("weekview")
		Dim monthTool As New TaskPaneTool("monthview")

		' initialize their captions
		dayTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Day"
		weekTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Week"
		monthTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Month"

		' associate a control that will be displayed when the tool 
		' is selected
		dayTool.Control = Me.ultraDayView1
		weekTool.Control = Me.ultraWeekView1
		monthTool.Control = Me.ultraMonthViewSingle1

		' create the root level tools
		Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Tools.AddRange(New ToolBase() {dayTool, weekTool, monthTool})

		' add the tools to the task pane toolbar

		' the UltraTaskPaneToolbar is a derived toolbar so much
		' of the properties that can be used for an UltraToolbar
		' can be used here as well.
		' e.g. dock the toolbar to the right
		taskPane.DockedPosition = DockedPosition.Right

		' by default have the controls resize to fill the available 
		' content area of the task pane
		taskPane.ToolResizeMode = TaskPaneToolResizeMode.AutoSizeBothDimensions

		' when the home button is clicked, the month
		' task pane tool should be selected
		taskPane.HomeTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools("monthView")

		' start with the week view tool being selected
		taskPane.SelectedTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools("weekView")

		' always show the home button
		taskPane.ShowHomeButton = DefaultableBoolean.True

		' instead of using the default navigation style of history
		' where back and forward iterate the items that have already
		' been viewed, use the arrow buttons to just move back
		' and forth through the list
		taskPane.NavigationButtonStyle = NavigationButtonStyle.Linear

		' the 'NavigationMenuSettings' is used to affect the appearance
		' of the menu that display the available task pane tools in the 
		' ultrataskpane toolbar
		taskPane.NavigationMenuSettings.SideStripText = "Schedule"
		taskPane.NavigationMenuSettings.IsSideStripVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True

		' allow the end user to resize the task pane
		taskPane.AllowResize = True

		' however, restrict the minimum extent of the content area - 
		' i.e. the minimum width when docked vertically and the minimum
		' height when docked horizontally
		taskPane.DockedContentExtentMin = 125
		taskPane.FloatingContentSizeMin = New Size(150, 200)

		' start the docked content area at 150 pixels
		taskPane.DockedContentExtent = 150

		' allow the end user to dropdown a list of the tools. to restrict
		' the users to using the navigation buttons, this may be set to 
		' false.
		taskPane.AllowNavigationViaMenu = DefaultableBoolean.True

		' Many of the 'Settings' apply to the header area of the 
		' task pane toolbar.
		' e.g. taskPane.Settings.Appearance
		' Others affect the task pane toolbar itself.
		' e.g. to prevent the task pane from being hidden
		taskPane.Settings.AllowHiding = DefaultableBoolean.False

		' to prevent the task pane from being docked to the right
		taskPane.Settings.AllowDockLeft = DefaultableBoolean.False
	End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void ultraButton2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// create a new task pane toolbar and add it to
			// the toolbars collection of the manager
			UltraTaskPaneToolbar taskPane = new UltraTaskPaneToolbar("TaskPaneDemo");
			taskPane.Text = "TaskPane";


			// create new task pane tools that will represents items
			// in the task pane toolbar menu
			TaskPaneTool dayTool = new TaskPaneTool("dayview");
			TaskPaneTool weekTool = new TaskPaneTool("weekview");
			TaskPaneTool monthTool = new TaskPaneTool("monthview");

			// initialize their captions
			dayTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Day";
			weekTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Week";
			monthTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Month";

			// associate a control that will be displayed when the tool 
			// is selected
			dayTool.Control = this.ultraDayView1;
			weekTool.Control = this.ultraWeekView1;
			monthTool.Control = this.ultraMonthViewSingle1;

			// create the root level tools
			this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Tools.AddRange( new ToolBase[] { dayTool, weekTool, monthTool } );

			// add the tools to the task pane toolbar

			// the UltraTaskPaneToolbar is a derived toolbar so much
			// of the properties that can be used for an UltraToolbar
			// can be used here as well.
			// e.g. dock the toolbar to the right
			taskPane.DockedPosition = DockedPosition.Right;

			// by default have the controls resize to fill the available 
			// content area of the task pane
			taskPane.ToolResizeMode = TaskPaneToolResizeMode.AutoSizeBothDimensions;

			// when the home button is clicked, the month
			// task pane tool should be selected
			taskPane.HomeTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools["monthView"];

			// start with the week view tool being selected
			taskPane.SelectedTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools["weekView"];

			// always show the home button
			taskPane.ShowHomeButton = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			// instead of using the default navigation style of history
			// where back and forward iterate the items that have already
			// been viewed, use the arrow buttons to just move back
			// and forth through the list
			taskPane.NavigationButtonStyle = NavigationButtonStyle.Linear;

			// the 'NavigationMenuSettings' is used to affect the appearance
			// of the menu that display the available task pane tools in the 
			// ultrataskpane toolbar
			taskPane.NavigationMenuSettings.SideStripText = "Schedule";
			taskPane.NavigationMenuSettings.IsSideStripVisible = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			// allow the end user to resize the task pane
			taskPane.AllowResize = true;

			// however, restrict the minimum extent of the content area - 
			// i.e. the minimum width when docked vertically and the minimum
			// height when docked horizontally
			taskPane.DockedContentExtentMin = 125;
			taskPane.FloatingContentSizeMin = new Size(150,200);

			// start the docked content area at 150 pixels
			taskPane.DockedContentExtent = 150;

			// allow the end user to dropdown a list of the tools. to restrict
			// the users to using the navigation buttons, this may be set to 
			// false.
			taskPane.AllowNavigationViaMenu = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			// Many of the 'Settings' apply to the header area of the 
			// task pane toolbar.
			// e.g. taskPane.Settings.Appearance
			// Others affect the task pane toolbar itself.
			// e.g. to prevent the task pane from being hidden
			taskPane.Settings.AllowHiding = DefaultableBoolean.False;

			// to prevent the task pane from being docked to the right
			taskPane.Settings.AllowDockLeft = DefaultableBoolean.False;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also