
ShowInToolbarList Property

Gets or sets the value indicating whether the UltraToolbar shows up in the customization dialog at runtime.
Public Property ShowInToolbarList As Boolean
public bool ShowInToolbarList {get; set;}

Property Value

True if the toolbar appears in the run-time customization dialog; False otherwise.
System.NotSupportedExceptionThe property is modified at design-time for a toolbar in an UltraToolbarsManager defined on a base Form or UserControl. Inherited toolbars must be modified at run-time or at design-time through the designer of the Form or UserControl they were created on.

Set this property to False to prevent the user from hiding the toolbar.

The following code shows how to access various toolbar properties.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub Button16_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button16.Click

		Debug.WriteLine("Properties of all currently defined toolbars ------------------------")

		Debug.IndentLevel += 1

		Dim toolbar As UltraToolbar
		For Each toolbar In Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars
			If toolbar Is Nothing Then
				GoTo NextToolbar
			End If

			Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "'")

			Debug.IndentLevel += 1

			' Access the DockedColumn, DockedRow, DockedPosition, FloatingLocation and FloatingSize
			' properties of a toolbar.
			Select Case toolbar.DockedPosition
				Case DockedPosition.Floating
					Dim rectFloating As New Rectangle(toolbar.FloatingLocation, toolbar.FloatingSize)

					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is floating.  Its position and size are: " + rectFloating.ToString())

				Case DockedPosition.Top
				Case DockedPosition.Bottom
				Case DockedPosition.Left
				Case DockedPosition.Right
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is docked in position '" + toolbar.DockedPosition.ToString() + "'.  Its DockedRow is: " + toolbar.DockedRow.ToString() + ", and its DockedColumn is: " + toolbar.DockedColumn.ToString())
			End Select

			' Access the Index property of a toolbar.
			Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' has an Index in its parent collection of: " + toolbar.Index.ToString())

			' Access the IsMainMenuBar property of a toolbar.
			If toolbar.IsMainMenuBar = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a main menu bar!")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a main menu bar!")
			End If

			' Access the IsStockToolbar property of a toolbar.
			If toolbar.IsStockToolbar = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a stock toolbar!")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a stock toolbar!")
			End If

			' Access the ParentCollection property of a toolbar.
			If Not toolbar.ParentCollection Is Nothing Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is in a collection that contains a total of " + toolbar.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries")
			End If

			' Access the ShowInToolbarList property of a toolbar.
			If toolbar.ShowInToolbarList = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will appear in the toolbar list")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will NOT appear in the toolbar list!")
			End If

			Debug.IndentLevel -= 1


		Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

	End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void button16_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			Debug.WriteLine("Properties of all currently defined toolbars ------------------------");


			foreach(UltraToolbar toolbar in this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars)
				if (toolbar == null)

				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "'");

				Debug.IndentLevel ++;

				// Access the DockedColumn, DockedRow, DockedPosition, FloatingLocation and FloatingSize
				// properties of a toolbar.
				switch (toolbar.DockedPosition)
					case DockedPosition.Floating:
						Rectangle rectFloating = new Rectangle(toolbar.FloatingLocation, toolbar.FloatingSize);

						Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is floating.  Its position and size are: " + rectFloating.ToString()); 

					case DockedPosition.Top:
					case DockedPosition.Bottom:
					case DockedPosition.Left:
					case DockedPosition.Right:
						Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is docked in position '" + toolbar.DockedPosition.ToString() + "'.  Its DockedRow is: " + toolbar.DockedRow.ToString() + ", and its DockedColumn is: " + toolbar.DockedColumn.ToString()); 

				// Access the Index property of a toolbar.
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' has an Index in its parent collection of: " + toolbar.Index.ToString()); 

				// Access the IsMainMenuBar property of a toolbar.
				if (toolbar.IsMainMenuBar == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a main menu bar!"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a main menu bar!"); 

				// Access the IsStockToolbar property of a toolbar.
				if (toolbar.IsStockToolbar == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a stock toolbar!"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a stock toolbar!"); 

				// Access the ParentCollection property of a toolbar.
				if (toolbar.ParentCollection != null)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is in a collection that contains a total of " + toolbar.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries"); 

				// Access the ShowInToolbarList property of a toolbar.
				if (toolbar.ShowInToolbarList == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will appear in the toolbar list"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will NOT appear in the toolbar list!"); 




Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also