
IProgressBarInfo Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IProgressBarInfo.

Public Properties
 PropertyAppearanceAppearance for the progress bar.  
 PropertyBorderStyleBorderStyle of the progress bar.  
 PropertyFillAppearanceAppearance for the filled area of the progress bar.  
 PropertyFormatInfoReturns the culture specific information used to determine how values are formatted.  
 PropertyLabelDisplay label for the progress bar.  
 PropertyMaximumMaximum value of the progress bar.  
 PropertyMinimumMinimum value of the progress bar.  
 PropertyOrientationOrientation of the progress bar.  
 PropertyPercentFormatFormat used when formatting the percent for the Label items [Formatted] and [FormattedRemaining]  
 PropertyResolutionOrderReturns the resolution order to use when resolving the appearance.  
 PropertySegmentWidthReturns the width of the segments.  
 PropertyShowLabelIndicates if the label should be displayed.  
 PropertyStyleStyle of the progress bar fill.  
 PropertyUIRoleReturns the UIRole for the main area of the progress bar.  
 PropertyUIRoleFillAreaReturns the UIRole for the fill area of the progress bar.  
 PropertyValueCurrent value of the progress bar.  
Public Methods
 MethodResolveAppearanceResolves the appearance for the progress bar background  
 MethodResolveFillAppearanceResolves the appearance for the filled area of the progress bar  
See Also