
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs Namespace

ClassMdiParentManager Class that maintains information about MdiParent forms
ClassNewTabButtonUIElement NewTabButtonUIElement
ClassTabButtonSeparatorUIElement TabButtonSeparatorUIElement
ClassTabClientAreaEdgeUIElement UIElement used to display the area between the tab line and the tab contents.
ClassTabCloseButtonUIElement TabCloseButtonUIElement
ClassTabDragManager Class for managing the drag action for a TabManager
ClassTabGroupUIElement TabGroupUIElement
ClassTabInfo Class that manages a collection of tabs
ClassTabItemButtonUIElement UIElement for a button style tab item.
ClassTabItemsCollection Interface implemented by an object managing a group of tab items.
ClassTabItemUIElement UIElement for displaying a single tab item.
ClassTabLineUIElement UIElement used to display the line rendered between the tab items and the client area.
ClassTabListButtonUIElement TabListButtonUIElement
ClassTabManager Object that manages the display for a set of tabs.
ClassTabManager.CancelableTabItemEventArgs Event parameters used for cancelable events that pass in an ITabItem as an argument.
ClassTabManager.SelectedTabItemChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.SelectedTabItemChanged event.
ClassTabManager.SelectedTabItemChangingEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.SelectedTabItemChanging event.
ClassTabManager.TabItemAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a tab.
ClassTabManager.TabItemEventArgs Event parameters used for non-cancelable events that pass in an ITabItem as an argument.
ClassTabManager.TabItemMovedEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.TabItemMoved event.
ClassTabManager.TabItemMovingEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.TabItemMoving event.
ClassTabManager.TabManagerScrollProvider ScrollBarInfo for UIAutomation IScrollProvider implementation.
ClassTabRowUIElement UIElement representing a row of tab items
ClassTabScrollButtonUIElement TabScrollButtonUIElement
ClassTabScrolledEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.TabScrolled event.
ClassTabScrollingEventArgs Event parameters used for the TabManager.TabScrolling event.
ClassTabSeparatorUIElement TabItemSeparatorUIElement
ClassTabSettings Class representing the settings for a TabItemsCollection
InterfaceICustomMdiTab Interface implemented by a form that provides custom mdi tab information.
InterfaceITabbedMdiManager Interface implemented by a class that displays mdi children as tab items.
InterfaceITabItem Interface implemented by a class that represents a single tab.
InterfaceITabProvider Interface implemented by a class that manages a collection of ITabItems.
StructureTabHitTestInfo Structure containing information about a tab hit test operation.
EnumerationCaptionOrientation Enumeration of the possible caption orientations
EnumerationDragScrollDirection Enumeration of scroll directions
EnumerationMultiRowSelectionStyle Enumerator used to specify if tab rows are re-arranged when a tab is selected.
EnumerationNewTabButtonLocation Represents where the new tab button will be located, if at all.
EnumerationScrollArrowStyle Enumeration of scroll arrow styles
EnumerationScrollButtonTypes Enumerator used to determine what sets of scroll buttons are displayed.
EnumerationScrollType Enumerator used to determine what type of scrolling to do.
EnumerationSelectTabDirection Enumeration used to indicate which tab should be selected
EnumerationTabCloseButtonAlignment Determines how the close button is positioned within the tab item.
EnumerationTabCloseButtonLocation Determines where the tab close button will be displayed.
EnumerationTabCloseButtonVisibility Determines whether the close button is visible in a certain location.
EnumerationTabCloseReason Represents the reason why a tab is closing or has closed.
EnumerationTabLayoutStyle Enumerator used to specify how tabs are sized and laid out with respect to one another.
EnumerationTabLineType Enumeration of types of tab lines
EnumerationTabLocation Enumeration of locations used for the caption and tab locations.
EnumerationTabOrientation Enumerator used to determine where the tab area is relative to the control's tab page area.
EnumerationTabPropertyIds Enumeration of property ids for the tab related classes
EnumerationTabScrollButtons Enumeration of tab scroll styles
EnumerationTabSizing Enumeration of tab sizing modes.
EnumerationTabState Enumeration of possible tab states
EnumerationTabStyle Enumeration of tab styles
EnumerationTextOrientation Enumeration of the possible text orientations
See Also