
Set the Shape of a Treemap Chart

You can set the TreeMapType property of Chart to define the shape of the nodes in your treemap chart.

You can set the TreeMapType property to:

  • Circular — Nodes in the treemap chart are displayed as circles.

  • Rectangular — Nodes in the treemap chart are displayed as rectangles.

  • Rings — Nodes in the treemap chart are displayed as rings, with each section of the ring corresponding to a node. Child nodes of each section are drawn as a new section in the next ring.

The following example code demonstrates how to display circular nodes in your treemap chart.

Example of a Treemap chart that has had its TreeMapType set to Circular as shown in the code listed below.

In Visual Basic:

Me.ultraChart1.TreeMapChart.TreeMapType =

In C#:

this.ultraChart1.TreeMapChart.TreeMapType =