

This topic provides information about the different animations that can be enabled in the UltraDataPieChart control.

The topic contains the following sections:


This article assumes you have already read the Data Binding topic, and uses the code within it as a starting point.

Animation in UltraDataPieChart

The UltraDataPieChart supports animating its slices into view, as well as when a value changes.

You can set the IsTransitionInEnabled property to true to have the pie chart animate into view. The type of animation performed can be configured by setting the TransitionInMode enumerated property to the type of animation you would like to see. Additionally, you can also set the TransitionInSpeedType property to scale with index, value, normal, or randomized. The duration of this animation can be controlled by the TransitionInDuration property, which takes a TimeSpan.

If you would like to animate data changes, this can also be done by setting the AnimateSeriesWhenAxisRangeChanges property to true. The duration of this change can be configured by setting the TransitionDuration property as well.

Code Example

In C#:

UltraDataPieChart dataPieChart = new UltraDataPieChart()
    ItemsSource = Data,
    AnimateSeriesWhenAxisRangeChanges = true,
    IsTransitionInEnabled = true,
    TransitionDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3),
    TransitionInDuration = new TimeSpan(0,0,3),
    TransitionInMode = CategoryTransitionInMode.AccordionFromLeft,
    TransitionInSpeedType = TransitionInSpeedType.Random

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