Using the Quick List element is the easiest way to add a simple bulleted or numbered list to your report. Quick List has only the essential features to maintain its light-weight presence. If you need a much more customizable list element, see Lists. As with the other quick content elements, you create a Quick List by calling the AddQuickList method of most layout elements. Unlike the Quick Image and Quick Text elements, there is one more step required to create the list; you need to add items. However, adding items to the list isn’t difficult at all; call the AddItem method off the IQuickList interface and supply it with a string. There are other options available to you such as the Numbered property which identifies whether the list will be bulleted or numbered. Another useful property is the Interval property which sets the space in-between each item.
The following code creates a list of seven items. The list will be numbered and each item will have 10 pixels of space between them. This topic assumes that you have a Report element defined with at least one Section element added to it. See Report and Section for more information.
In Visual Basic:
' Add a quick list section1.AddQuickText("Quick List") Dim quickList As Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.QuickList.IQuickList = _ quickSection.AddQuickList() quickList.Numbered = True quickList.Interval = 10 ' Add items to the list quickList.AddItem("Red") quickList.AddItem("Orange") quickList.AddItem("Yellow") quickList.AddItem("Green") quickList.AddItem("Blue") quickList.AddItem("Indigo") quickList.AddItem("Violet")
In C#:
// Add a quick list section1.AddQuickText("Quick List"); Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.QuickList.IQuickList quickList = section1.AddQuickList(); quickList.Numbered = true; quickList.Interval = 10; // Add items to the list quickList.AddItem("Red"); quickList.AddItem("Orange"); quickList.AddItem("Yellow"); quickList.AddItem("Green"); quickList.AddItem("Blue"); quickList.AddItem("Indigo"); quickList.AddItem("Violet");