
NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by NavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorNavigationPaneFlyoutDisplayingEventArgs ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyCancel (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Public PropertyHeightGets/sets the height of the navigation pane flyout.  
Public PropertyLeftGets/sets the x-coordinate of the location of the navigation pane flyout, expressed in screen coordinates.  
Public PropertyPreferredLocationGets/sets the location of the navigation pane flyout, expressed in screen coordinates.  
Public PropertyPreferredSizeGets/sets the size of the navigation pane flyout.  
Public PropertyTopGets/sets the y-coordinate of the location of the navigation pane flyout, expressed in screen coordinates.  
Public PropertyWidthGets/sets the width of the navigation pane flyout.  
See Also