
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView Namespace

ClassGridSettings Class which defines the look and user interaction of the grid portion of the UltraGanttView.
ClassKeyedTaskFieldSubObjectDictionaryBase<TValue> Abstract base class with both string and TaskField Indexers.
ClassTaskCellSettings Class representing settings that apply to an individual cell in the grid for a particular field of a particular task.
ClassTaskCellSettingsCollection Returns a collection of TaskCellSettings objects, indexed by Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField
ClassTaskColumnSettings Class representing settings that apply to an individual column in the grid.
ClassTaskColumnSettingsCollection Returns a collection of TaskColumnSettings objects, indexed by Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.TaskField
ClassTaskFieldSettingsBase Class representing settings that apply to an individual field of a task, such as the allowed user actions, appearances of the cells, etc.
ClassTaskGridSettings Class which defines the look and user interaction of the grid representation (a row) of an individual task.
ClassTimelineSettings Class which defines how users may modify tasks via the task's bar in the TimeLine portion of the GanttView control.
See Also