
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker Namespace

ClassAsYouTypeManager Handles the painting of underlines under misspelled words in a control being spell checked
ClassError Defines an error in text.
ClassErrorCollection Read-only collection which contains a list of underlines.
ClassIgnoredWordsCollection Collection of word ignored by the spell checker
ClassNoErrorsFoundEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.NoErrorsFound event.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassSpellCheckDialogBase Abstract base class for the spell check dialog
ClassSpellCheckDialogClosedEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogClosed event.
ClassSpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellCheckDialogOpening event.
ClassSpellCheckDialogUndoContext An undo context which provides undo information about a spell check dialog
ClassSpellCheckedEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellChecked event.
ClassSpellCheckerEventManager Class for managing an UltraSpellChecker's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes methods for firing each event.
ClassSpellCheckerSettings Represents a control to the UltraSpellChecker component.
ClassSpellCheckerSettingsConverter Type converter for the SpellCheckerSettings class.
ClassSpellCheckingEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellChecking event.
ClassSpellCheckTargetEventArgs Base class for event args relating to spell checked objects
ClassSpellCheckTextEventArgs Base event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellChecking and UltraSpellChecker.SpellChecked events.
ClassSpellErrorEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.SpellError event.
ClassSpellOptions Class which contains the options available for showing the spell checker dialog from the UltraSpellChecker
ClassSuggestionCollection Read-only collection which contains a list of suggestions for a misspelled word.
ClassTextChangeInfo Class which provides information about how a block of text has changed
ClassUltraSpellChecker Performs spell checking on one or more controls.
ClassUltraSpellCheckerRole Role class for the UltraSpellChecker derived controls.
ClassUltraWinSpellCheckerAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassUnderlinedError Class which represents an underline for errors
ClassUnderlinedErrorCollection Read-only collection which contains a list of underlines.
ClassWordCheckResult Class containing all information needed when checking a word for spelling erros.
ClassWordCorrectedEventArgs Event args for the UltraSpellChecker.WordCorrected event.
EnumerationErrorType The types of errors that can be made in text.
EnumerationLanguageType Enumeration of language types.
EnumerationPropertyIds Unique identifier for each property.
EnumerationSpellCheckerEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraSpellChecker specific events.
EnumerationSpellCheckerEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraSpellChecker event.
EnumerationSpellCheckingMode The mode in which the UltraSpellChecker component will spell check objects.
EnumerationSpellErrorAction The action to take when a word is misspelled in a spell checked object.
EnumerationSuggestionsMethod The type of Suggestions that will be returned.
EnumerationUnderlineErrorsStyle Indicates how the UltraSpellChecker should underline misspelled words.
EnumerationWordCorrectionSource The ways in which a word can be corrected.
See Also