
ClientAreaAppearance Property (UltraTab)

Returns/sets the appearance of the client area (not including the tab header area) when this tab is selected.
Public Property ClientAreaAppearance As Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase
public Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase ClientAreaAppearance {get; set;}
The following code demonstrates how to set non-default values for many of the properties on the UltraTabControl and UltraTabStripControl.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl

Private Sub InitializeTabControl()

    With Me.ultraTabControl1

        ' Turn of XP themes support to pick up explicit backcolor
        ' setting below
        .SupportThemes = False

        ' Set the default appearance for all tabs
        .Appearance.BackColor = Color.Silver
        .Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.White
        .Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump
        .Appearance.BackGradientAlignment = GradientAlignment.Client

        ' Set the default appearance for the client area
        ' which does not include the tab header area 
        .ClientAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.Silver
        .ClientAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.White
        .ClientAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump
        .ClientAreaAppearance.BackGradientAlignment = GradientAlignment.Client

        ' Set a slightly different apperance for the currect 
        ' 'ActiveTab' (the tab with focus)
        .ActiveTabAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Red

        ' Set a slightly different apperance for the currect 
        ' 'SelectedTab' (the tab whose tab page is currently visible)
        .SelectedTabAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue

        ' Set the image background to conform and align with the
        ' form's BackgroundImage 
        .TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackground = Me.BackgroundImage
        .TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackgroundOrigin = ImageBackgroundOrigin.Form

        ' Enable hot tracking (tabs hightlight as the mouse passes over them)
        .HotTrack = True
        .HotTrackAppearance.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255)

        ' Set AutoSelect on so that if the mouse pauses over
        ' a tab for half a second the tab will be automatically
        ' selected
        .AutoSelect = True
        .AutoSelectDelay = 500

        ' Enable hot tracking (tabs hightlight as the mouse passes over them)
        .HotTrack = True
        .HotTrackAppearance.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255)

        ' Allow all tabs but the first tab to be moved
        .AllowTabMoving = True
        .Tabs(0).AllowMoving = DefaultableBoolean.False

        ' Set width constraints (in pixels) on the tabs
        .MinTabWidth = 35
        .MaxTabWidth = 100

        ' Set the NavigationStyle property. This determines what
        ' happens when the user navigates betwen tabs via the
        ' keyboard (i.e. the arrow keys, page up, page down etc.).
        ' This assumes that the TabStop property is true and the
        ' control has focus.
        .NavigationStyle = NavigationStyle.AutoSelect

        ' Specify the image size and also to scale larger
        ' images down to that size but leave smaller images
        ' unchanged. 
        .ImageSize = New Size(16, 16)
        .ScaleImages = ScaleImage.OnlyWhenNeeded

        ' Specify that separators should be shown between buttons.
        ' This is ignored if the Style property is not set to 
        ' StateButtons
        .ShowButtonSeparators = True

        ' Specify that tooltips will be shown when the cursor
        ' is paused over a tab.
        ' Note: Tooltips will only be displayed for tab's whose
        ' 'ToolTipText' property returns a string of at least 1 
        ' character or the Tab's 'Text' is not fully visible
        ' due to size constraints.
        .ShowToolTips = True

        ' Specify the style of the tabs
        .Style = UltraTabControlStyle.StateButtons

        ' Specify the button style. This is ignored if the Style
        ' property is not set to StateButtons
        .TabButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupBorderless

        ' Specify the layout of the tabs. There are various
        ' single-row and multi-row TabLayoutStyle's available
        .TabLayoutStyle = TabLayoutStyle.SingleRowAutoSize

        ' Specify the orientation of the tabs and the text.
        .TabOrientation = TabOrientation.RightTop
        .TextOrientation = TextOrientation.HorizontalPlus90

        ' Specify the size of the tab page.
        ' Note: this will cause the control to be resized
        .TabPageSize = New Size(300, 100)

        ' Specify the default size of each tab.
        ' Note: the width is ignored untless the TabLayoutStyle is
        ' either SingleRowFixed or MultiRowFixed
        .TabSize = New Size(70, 20)

        ' Specify the amount of padding around the text and image
        ' when calcualting the size of the tabs.
        .TabPadding = New Size(3, 3)

        ' Specify whether mnemonics will be supported. If so and
        ' there is an '&' in a tab's text, the following character
        ' will be treated as an accelerator (i.e. the tab will
        ' be activated when the user presses the 'Alt' key and 
        ' that character).
        .UseMnemonics = DefaultableBoolean.True

    End With

End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl;

private void InitializeTabControl()
	// Turn of XP themes support to pick up explicit backcolor
	// setting below
	this.ultraTabControl1.SupportThemes = false;

	// Set the default appearance for all tabs
	this.ultraTabControl1.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Silver;
	this.ultraTabControl1.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.White;
	this.ultraTabControl1.Appearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump;
	this.ultraTabControl1.Appearance.BackGradientAlignment = GradientAlignment.Client;

	// Set the default appearance for the client area
	// which does not include the tab header area 
	this.ultraTabControl1.ClientAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.Silver;
	this.ultraTabControl1.ClientAreaAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.White;
	this.ultraTabControl1.ClientAreaAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.HorizontalBump;
	this.ultraTabControl1.ClientAreaAppearance.BackGradientAlignment = GradientAlignment.Client;

	// Set a slightly different apperance for the currect 
	// 'ActiveTab' (the tab with focus)
	this.ultraTabControl1.ActiveTabAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Red;

	// Set a slightly different apperance for the currect 
	// 'SelectedTab' (the tab whose tab page is currently visible)
	this.ultraTabControl1.SelectedTabAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue;

	// Set the image background to conform and align with the
	// form's BackgroundImage 
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackground = this.BackgroundImage;
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackgroundOrigin = ImageBackgroundOrigin.Form;

	// Set AutoSelect on so that if the mouse pauses over
	// a tab for half a second the tab will be automatically
	// selected
	this.ultraTabControl1.AutoSelect = true;
	this.ultraTabControl1.AutoSelectDelay = 500;

	// Enable hot tracking (tabs hightlight as the mouse passes over them)
	this.ultraTabControl1.HotTrack = true;
	this.ultraTabControl1.HotTrackAppearance.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255,0,255);

	// Allow all tabs but the first tab to be moved
	this.ultraTabControl1.AllowTabMoving = true;
	this.ultraTabControl1.Tabs[0].AllowMoving = DefaultableBoolean.False;
	// Set width constraints (in pixels) on the tabs
	this.ultraTabControl1.MinTabWidth = 35;
	this.ultraTabControl1.MaxTabWidth = 100;

	// Set the NavigationStyle property. This determines what
	// happens when the user navigates betwen tabs via the
	// keyboard (i.e. the arrow keys, page up, page down etc.).
	// This assumes that the TabStop property is true and the
	// control has focus.
	this.ultraTabControl1.NavigationStyle = NavigationStyle.AutoSelect;

	// Specify the image size and also to scale larger
	// images down to that size but leave smaller images
	// unchanged. 
	this.ultraTabControl1.ImageSize = new Size(16,16);
	this.ultraTabControl1.ScaleImages = ScaleImage.OnlyWhenNeeded;

	// Specify that separators should be shown between buttons.
	// This is ignored if the Style property is not set to 
	// StateButtons
	this.ultraTabControl1.ShowButtonSeparators = true;

	// Specify that tooltips will be shown when the cursor
	// is paused over a tab.
		// Note: Tooltips will only be displayed for tab's whose
	// 'ToolTipText' property returns a string of at least 1 
	// character or the Tab's 'Text' is not fully visible
	// due to size constraints.
	this.ultraTabControl1.ShowToolTips = true;

	// Specify the style of the tabs
	this.ultraTabControl1.Style = UltraTabControlStyle.StateButtons;

	// Specify the button style. This is ignored if the Style
	// property is not set to StateButtons
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.PopupBorderless;

	// Specify the layout of the tabs. There are various
	// single-row and multi-row TabLayoutStyle's available
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabLayoutStyle = TabLayoutStyle.SingleRowAutoSize;

	// Specify the orientation of the tabs and the text.
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabOrientation = TabOrientation.RightTop;
	this.ultraTabControl1.TextOrientation = TextOrientation.HorizontalPlus90;

	// Specify the size of the tab page.
	// Note: this will cause the control to be resized
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabPageSize = new Size(300, 100);

	// Specify the default size of each tab.
	// Note: the width is ignored untless the TabLayoutStyle is
	// either SingleRowFixed or MultiRowFixed
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabSize = new Size(70, 20);

	// Specify the amount of padding around the text and image
	// when calcualting the size of the tabs.
	this.ultraTabControl1.TabPadding = new Size(3,3);
	// Specify whether mnemonics will be supported. If so and
	// there is an '&' in a tab's text, the following character
	// will be treated as an accelerator (i.e. the tab will
	// be activated when the user presses the 'Alt' key and 
	// that character).
	this.ultraTabControl1.UseMnemonics = DefaultableBoolean.True;


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also