
The ChartLayout Class

The ChartLayout class can be thought of as a class that persists the state of the Chart. In this application, we are only using one Chart control in such a way that it appears that many charts are being used. This is made possible by placing the Chart control within the WinGrid cell that is active and then setting Chart properties from values stored in the WinGrid cell associated ChartLayout.

The ChartLayout class can be further expanded and elaborated to contain more property settings that represent your requirements for a Chart in your application, however, in this example, the ChartLayout persists:

  • ChartType (e.g., PieChart, BarChart, ColumnChart)

  • DataSource (e.g., DataTable, Collection, IEnumerable List)

  • Image – This is an Image representation or snapshot of the Chart in its last active state.

  • ColorAppearance - This represents the color scheme used to generate the Chart data elements.

  • TitleTop – This contains the Chart’s title or descriptive caption (e.g., Orders For Customer XYZ)

In Visual Basic:

Public Class ChartLayout
	Public X As Single
	Public Y As Single
	Public Z As Single
	Public Scale As Single
	Private _ChartType As ChartType
	Public Property ChartType() As ChartType
			Return _ChartType
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As ChartType)
			_ChartType = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Private _DataSource As Object
	Public Property DataSource() As Object
			Return _DataSource
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As Object)
			_DataSource = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Private _Image As Image
	Public Property Image() As Image
			Return _Image
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As Image)
			_Image = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Private _ColorAppearance As ColorAppearance
	Public Property ColorModel() As ColorAppearance
			Return _ColorAppearance
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As ColorAppearance)
			_ColorAppearance = value
		End Set
	End Property
	Private _TitleTop As String
	Public Property TitleTop() As String
			Return _TitleTop
		End Get
		Set(ByVal value As String)
			_TitleTop = value
		End Set
	End Property
End Class

In C#:

public class ChartLayout
	public float X;
	public float Y;
	public float Z;
	public float Scale;
	ChartType _ChartType;
	public ChartType ChartType
		get { return _ChartType; }
		set { _ChartType = value; }
	object _DataSource;
	public object DataSource
		get { return _DataSource; }
		set { _DataSource = value; }
	Image _Image;
      public Image Image
		get { return _Image; }
		set { _Image = value; }
	ColorAppearance _ColorAppearance;
	public ColorAppearance ColorModel
		get { return _ColorAppearance; }
		set { _ColorAppearance = value; }
	string _TitleTop;
	public string TitleTop
		get { return _TitleTop; }
		set { _TitleTop = value; }

The next topic explains the Class that provides support for persisting and saving the Chart State to the ChartLayout objects: Helper Functions