
Breaking Changes in 2012 Volume 1

IDropDownResizeHandleOwner Interface

A new property of type EmbeddableElementDisplayStyle called DisplayStyle was added to the IDropDownResizeHandleOwner interface. This additional property is used for determining the proper style to apply to the DropDownResizeHandleUIElement. The new property had to be implemented on anything that implements the IDropDownResizeHandleOwner interface, including the UltraPopupControlContainer, the ValueList, the EditorButonBase, and the UltraDropDownBase.

Infragistics Excel Engine


The following table summarizes the breaking changes in Excel library Format support

Change Description

WorksheetCellComment now defines a Text property of type FormattedString

The WorksheetCellComment now defines a Text property of type FormattedString and derives from WorksheetShape instead of WorksheetShapeWithText. This change should only affect people who are storing a WorksheetCellComment instance in a variable of type WorksheetShapeWithText.

WorksheetShapeWithText Text property is now of type FormattedText instead of FormattedString

The WorksheetShapeWithText Text property is now of type FormattedText instead of FormattedString. The FormattedText class defines the same GetFont methods as FormattedString and they perform the same function, but return a FormattedTextFont instead of a FormattedStringFont. FormattedTextFont can be used in the same way as FormattedStringFont as it defines the same font properties. Unlike the FormattedString class, the FormattedText class does not have an UnformattedString property. However, the unformatted string can be retrieved by calling ToString() on the FormattedText instance.

The IWorksheetCellFormat interface has changed.

If you have a custom implementation of this interface, this will cause build errors.

The IWorkbookFont interface has changed.

If you have custom implementation of this interface, this will cause build errors.

Indexing into the Workbook Styles collection with built-in style names may no longer work correctly.

The names of some built in styles have been changed to reflect what is used in Microsoft Excel. If, with previous versions, you had loaded an existing file with built-in styles saved and indexed into the Styles collection with the style names, your code may now return null where it had returned a valid WorkbookStyle instance. In certain cases this may cause your code to break and possibly cause runtime errors.

Workbook palette is not auto-populated.

Now, workbook palette is not auto-populated. For more information, see the Workbook palette is not auto-populated block below.

Styles collection is pre-populated.

Styles collection is now pre-populated with all built in styles and clearing the collection will not remove the Normal style as it did in the earlier versions.

WorkbookPaletteMode enumeration has been marked obsolete.

The WorkbookPaletteMode enumeration and the Workbook constructor that takes a WorkbookPaletteMode have been marked obsolete.

If a Workbook constructor taking a WorkbookPaletteMode is used, the value will be ignored.

FillPatternStyle.Default value has been marked obsolete

FillPatternStyle Default value has been marked obsolete. It can be still used on the deprecated IWorksheetCellFormat.FillPattern property to indicate unset value.

The Color properties on the IWorksheetCellFormat and IWorkbookFont interfaces have been marked obsolete.

The Color properties on the IWorksheetCellFormat and IWorkbookFont interfaces have been marked obsolete. Setting the old property will set the new property to an equivalent value.

For more information, see the Set of Color properties have been marked obsolete blockbelow.

The fill related properties on the IWorksheetCellFormat instance have been marked obsolete.

The fill related properties on the IWorksheetCellFormat instance have been marked obsolete and have all been replaced by IWorksheetCellFormat Fill property.

For more information, see the CellFormat have been marked obsolete block below.

The Workbook.DefaultFontHeight property has been marked obsolete

The Workbook DefaultFontHeight property has been marked obsolete. It is redundant now that the default font height can be set on the Normal style of the workbook. Setting and getting the old property will set and get the font height of the Normal style.

The Workbook.MaxExcelColorCount constant has been marked obsolete.

The Workbook MaxExcelColorCount constant has been marked obsolete. There is now no limit to the number of unique colors which can be used in a workbook.

When value of the cell is FormattedString, its associated fonts must now be fully resolved.

When a FormattedString is the value of a cell, its associated fonts, obtained with the GetFont methods of the FormattedString instance, must have their fonts fully resolved.

When a FormattedString is the value of a cell and font properties are changed on the cell, font properties will be copied entirely of the FormattedString.

When a FormattedString is the value of a cell and font properties are changed on the cell, font properties will be copied to the entirety of the FormattedString.

For example, if a formatted string in a cell looked like this: F o r m a t t e d S t r i n g ”, and the cell.CellFormat.Font.Bold value is set to True, the formatted string in the cell would look like this: “F o r m a t t e d S t r i n g ”. This change was made to more closely mimic the functionality of Excel.

The default font of a workbook is now Calibri 11 pt.

The default font of a workbook is no longer Arial 10 pt. font, but is Calibri 11 pt. font.

This can be changed back by modifying the Normal style of the workbook after it is created.

Workbook palette is not auto-populated

Previously, when the workbook was created, it used a custom palette mode by default, which meant any colors set on cell formats and fonts were automatically added to the palette.

Now, the workbook palette is not auto-populated. When a custom color is used, and the file is opened in Excel 2003 or earlier, users may not see the used color. They will see the closest color that was present in the color palette at the time of the file creation.

This can be fixed by manually adding in the used colors in the workbook’s palette at any time before saving the workbook. This is not an issue with Microsoft Excel 2007 or later versions.

Set of Color properties have been marked obsolete

The following color properties have been marked obsolete. Setting the old property will set the new property to an equivalent value. Getting the old property will get the actual color which will be seen by the user.

Obsolete properties New properties


FormattedFontBase ColorInfo


IWorkbookFont ColorInfo


IWorksheetCellFormat BottomBorderColorInfo


IWorksheetCellFormat DiagonalBorderColorInfo


IWorksheetCellFormat LeftBorderColorInfo


IWorksheetCellFormat RightBorderColorInfo


IWorksheetCellFormat TopBorderColorInfo


WorksheetDisplayOptions TabColorInfo

Set of properties on IWorksheet CellFormat have been marked obsolete

The following properties on IWorksheetCellFormat have been marked obsolete and their functionality has been replaced by a new property.

Obsolete properties

New property





Setting the old properties to non-default values will set the Fill property to a CellFillPattern instance corresponding to the values that were set. Getting the properties gets the closest match colors it can from the current Fill property value. If it is a CellFillPattern instance, they will be accurate values, but if the new gradient fills are being used, the old properties will reflect a solid fill with a background color of the first gradient stop.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains Infragistics Excel library support for cell formats.

This topic explains how to set colors on various cells format properties.

This section is your gateway to important task-based information that will help you to effectively use the various features and functionalities provided by the Infragistics Excel Engine.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

Sample Purpose

New Color Model

This sample demonstrates way of working with Newer color model on cell formats. You can specify the RGB color and a tint value on all color properties of a cell format. You can use linear and rectangular gradients in cells.