
WinChart 2004.3

  • Added the OthersCategoryText class; this applies to DoughnutChart, PieChart, and PieChart3D.

  • Added TickmarkInterval for set label axes – if TickmarkStyle = DataInterval and TickmarkInterval >0, then axis labels will appear every n times (where n is the value of Axis.TickmarkInterval).

  • Added a class called ChartTransform3DEventArgs. Events are fired when the user rotates/scales a 3D chart with the mouse.

  • Added the GetPrintDocument() method which returns an object of type System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.

  • Added the ChartInvalidDataEvent.

  • Added a class called ChartDataInvalidEventArgs. It holds the information regarding the nature of the error, and holds a text property that can be set to display in the chart. This event is fired when data is not suitable for the chart type selected.

  • Added ChartDataDoubleClicked event.

  • Added the SplitData property value for UltraChart.Legend.DataAssociation, allowing combination charts (ScatterLineChart and ColumnLineChart) to display data for both chart types.

  • Added the ability to manipulate both Column and Line primitives in a custom layer for ColumnLineChart.

  • Added Cancelable Scrolling and Scaling events for when chart zooming and scrolling is caused by user interaction.