Ignoring Diacritics on Auto-Complete
This topic provides an overview on Auto-Complete operation with an option to ignore diacritics in WinCombo™ and WinComboEditor™ controls.
This feature performs a search for a literal string ignoring any diacritics or accent marks on the words, for example, “Résumé” contains diacritical marks on the letter ‘e’. When the user searches for the word “Resume”, the word “Résumé” will also appear in the result.
Added to WinCombo and WinComboEditor controls , the AutoCompleteIgnoreDiacritics property allows developers to configure the practical use of diacritics in a string search.
The following screenshots demonstrate searching the literal word “open.” While the lists contain the same words with diacritical marks, the editor control is set to notice (True) / ignore (False) them and returns the search results to the user.
The following code example applies to both WinCombo and WinComboEditor controls.
In C#:
ComboEditor1.AutoCompleteIgnoreDiacritics = true; // false
ComboEditor1.AutoCompleteMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
In Visual Basic:
ComboEditor1.AutoCompleteIgnoreDiacritics = True
' false
ComboEditor1.AutoCompleteMode = Infragistics.Win.AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend
The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.