
Creating a Desktop Alert Reminder for WinSchedule

This section is comprised of three walkthroughs designed to demonstrate the versatility of WinDesktopAlert™ and several of its features. These walkthroughs are intended to be completed in order, as they will be building upon each other. By the end of the third walkthrough, you will have a fully-functioning desktop alert reminder that mimics the functionality of WinSchedule™'s Reminder dialog box.

creating a ultradesktopalert reminder for winschedule

The desktop alert window is quite similar to WinSchedule’s Reminder dialog box, both in design and function. Both the window and dialog box have text fields allowing for a description of an event. They both have a collection of buttons that can be used to open, snooze, or dismiss a reminder. And lastly, they both can handle multiple reminders (WinDesktopAlert can manage multiple windows simultaneously).

Click the following links to learn how to create a desktop alert reminder for WinSchedule.