
Control Where the User Can Drag a Dockable Pane

It may be necessary to limit where a user can move a dockable Pane . Each pane has a Settings object that has Allow properties that can control where a pane can be docked.

The following code uses a form that has two controls on it. One control is docked left and the other is docked right. The first two lines of code makes the control on the left ( DockArea - 0) so that it can’t be Docked Bottom or can’t be turned into a floating pane. The last line of code makes the control on the right (DockArea - 1) so you can’t drag it around to re-dock it.


The control on the right can’t be dragged around, but it still can be undocked. In this undocked state it still can’t be dragged though.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win
Private Sub Control_Where_the_User_Can_Drag_a_Dockable_Pane_Load( _
  ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	' Sets the Pane so that you can't Dock it Bottom or make it a floating pane
	Me.UltraDockManager1.DockAreas(0).Panes(0).Settings.AllowDockBottom = _
	Me.UltraDockManager1.DockAreas(0).Panes(0).Settings.AllowFloating = _
	' Makes the pane undraggable
	' This pane can still be undocked though, but even in undocked mode
	' you can't drag the pane around
	Me.UltraDockManager1.DockAreas(1).Panes(0).Settings.AllowDragging = _
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win;
private void Control_Where_the_User_Can_Drag_a_Dockable_Pane_Load(object sender,
  EventArgs e)
	// Sets the Pane so that you can't Dock it Bottom or make it a floating pane
	this.ultraDockManager1.DockAreas[0].Panes[0].Settings.AllowDockBottom =
	this.ultraDockManager1.DockAreas[0].Panes[0].Settings.AllowFloating =
	// Makes the pane undraggable
	// This pane can still be undocked though, but even in undocked mode
	// you can't drag the pane around
	this.ultraDockManager1.DockAreas[1].Panes[0].Settings.AllowDragging =