
Expanding/Collapsing Groups in different modes

The Selected property on the Group object is used to open or expand the groups that are in Toolbox or Listbar mode. In these modes only one group can be expanded at a time.

The Expanded property on the Group object is applicable only for the ExplorerBar mode where multiple groups can be expanded at a time.

In Visual Basic:

' Open a Listbar/Toolbox group
  ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).Selected = True
' Collapse an ExplorerBar group
  ultraExplorerBar2.Groups(0).Expanded = False

In C#:

// Open a Listbar/Toolbox group
   ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Selected = true;
// Collapse an ExplorerBar group
   ultraExplorerBar2.Groups[0].Expanded = false;