
Creating a Complex Gauge Using the Gauge Designer Part 1 of 5

This procedure guides you through the process of creating a Radial gauge and setting the Dial, Scale and Label properties.

  1. From the toolbox, drag the UltraGauge control to your form. The Gauge Designer opens.

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 1.png
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Gauges.

  2. Click Add Gauge…​ and select New Radial Gauge.


The gauge size in this instruction is set to 300(height) x 300(width) that can be set using the Custom Property Pages. See Using Custom Property Pages.

  1. Expand Radial Gauge and select OverDial.

  2. Before you continue with this step, please review the following note and screenshots to know how to assign the FocusScales and CenterPoint properties.

In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:


In the subsequent steps of instructions the FocusScales and CenterPoint properties need to be configured by either (1) using the Custom Property Pages of the control for adding values there, or (2) via the UltraGauge Designer interacting with the visual interface in the UI.

Using Custom Property Pages

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 2.png
Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 3.png

Using UltraGauge Designer UI

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 4.png
  • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

    • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

    • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.005045409, Color = Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255)

    • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.1413793, Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 255, 255, 255)

    • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.2689655, Color = Transparent

    • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

    • FocusScales — 3, 0

    • CenterPoint — 50, 100

  • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

    • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

    • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.2517241, Color = Color.FromArgb(46, 254, 254, 254)

    • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.6034483, Color = Color.FromArgb(120, 255, 255, 255)

    • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 1, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)

    • FocusScales — 0.099999, 0

    • CenterPoint — 50, 110

  1. Expand Radial Gauge and select Dial.

  2. In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.4758621, Color = Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 1, Color = Color.FromArgb(89, 89, 89)

      • FocusScales — 0.800000012, 0.800000012

      • CenterPoint — 50, 50

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.003548387, Color = Color.FromArgb(180, 180, 180)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.04193548, Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.05870968, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 79, 118)

      • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 174, 209)

      • FocusScales — 0, 0

      • CenterPoint — 50, 50

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.02413793, Color = Color.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.2655172, Color = Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.4551724, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 0.5, 3

      • CenterPoint — 100, 50

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.02413793, Color = Color.FromArgb(40, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.2655172, Color = Color.FromArgb(30, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.4551724, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 0.5, 3

      • CenterPoint — 0,50

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Details — Silver

    • Style — Solid

    • Thickness — 1

    • Alignment — Center

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 5.png
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Scales.

  2. Click Add Scale…​ and select New Scale.

  3. In the Properties panel, click the Scale Layout tab. In the Sweep Angle pane, set the following properties:

    • Start — 160

    • End — 380

  1. In the Axis pane of the Scale Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • End Value — 300.00

    • Start Value — 30.00

    • Tickmark Interval — 1.0

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand the newly created scale, and select Labels.

  2. In the Properties panel, click the Labels Layout tab. In the Orientation pane, set the following properties:

    • Extent — 84

    • Orientation — Horizontal

  1. In the Formatting pane of the Labels Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Frequency — 30.00

    • Span Max — 10

  1. Click the Labels Appearance tab. In the Brush pane set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — White

  1. In the Font pane of the Labels Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Font — Impact

    • Font size — 14Type — Point

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 6.png
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, select Major Tickmarks.

  2. In the Properties panel, click the Tickmark Layout tab. In the Extent pane set the following properties:

    • Start — 68

    • End — 78

  1. In the Widths pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Start — 4

    • End — 4

  1. In the Orientation pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Frequency — 30.00

    • Post-Initial — 150

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 216, 22)

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — Color.FromArgb(232, 154, 0)

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 7.png
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, select Minor Tickmarks.

  2. In the Properties Panel, click the Tickmark Layout tab. In the Extent pane, set the following properties:

    • Start — 70

    • End — 75

  1. In the Widths pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Start — 2

    • End — 2

  1. In the Orientation pane of the Tickmark Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Post-Initial — 150

    • Frequency — 10.00

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255)

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — White

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 8.png
  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Markers.

  2. Click Add Marker…​ and select New Needle.

  3. In the Properties Panel, click the Needle Marker Layout tab. In the Widths and Extents pane, set the following properties:

    • Widths

      • Start — 7

      • Mid — 7

      • End — 0

        • Extents

          • Start — -26

          • Mid — 26

          • End — 37

  1. In the Value and Units pane of the Needle Marker Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Value — 100.00

    • Precision — 100.00

    • Units — Percent

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:

    • Simple Gradient brush element

      • StartColor — Color = Color.FromArgb(230, 255, 181)

      • EndColor — Color = Color.FromArgb(180, 69, 209, 0)

      • Gradient Style — BackwardDiagonal

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — Color.FromArgb(125, 255, 255, 255)

    • Thickness — 2

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand the newly created needle marker, and select Anchor.

  2. In the Radius pane of the Anchor Layout tab, set the following property:

    • Value — 20

  1. In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 141, 47)

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 1, Color = Color.FromArgb(104, 209, 0)

      • FocusScales — 0, 0

      • CenterPoint — 75, 25

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.02901786, Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.1241379, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 0, 3

      • CenterPoint — 100, 50

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.02901786, Color = Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.1241379, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 0, 3

      • CenterPoint — 0, 50

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.02758621, Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.3034483, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.3724138, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 3, 0

      • CenterPoint — 50, 100

    • Multi-Stop Radial Gradient brush element

      • ColorStop 1 — Offset = 0, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 2 — Offset = 0.03103448, Color = Color.FromArgb(71, 255, 255, 255)

      • ColorStop 3 — Offset = 0.162069, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 4 — Offset = 0.3724138, Color = Transparent

      • ColorStop 5 — Offset = 1, Color = Transparent

      • FocusScales — 5, 0

      • CenterPoint — 50, 0

  1. In the Stroke pane of the Appearance tab, set the following properties:

    • Radial Gradient brush element

      • SurroundColor — Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 255, 255)

      • CenterColor — Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255)

      • FocusScale — 0,0

      • CenterPoint — 75, 25

    • Thickness — 3

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Ranges.

  2. Click Add Range…​ and select New Range.

  3. In the Value pane of the Range Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Start — 180.00

    • End — 300.00

  1. In the Extent pane of the Range Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Inner Start — 72

    • Inner End — 72

    • Outer — 74

  1. In the Properties panel, click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, set the following properties:

    • Type — Solid

    • Color — Color.FromArgb(80, 255, 255, 255)

    • Thickness — 1

Creating a Complex Gauge Part 1 Image 9.png

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