
HotTracking Grouped Rows

Topic Overview


This topic is an overview of the HotTracking feature and provides a code example demonstrating how to enable HotTracking appearance on rows in GroupBy mode.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic explains about an intuitive and powerful way to organize your data using GroupBy view feature of the WinGrid™ control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Enabling HotTracking in Grouped Rows

Introduction and preview

HotTracking visually enhances UI elements when the mouse point passes over them. In this case, the UI elements are the grouped by rows and based on your settings via GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance property displays the result with a highlighted appearance. The WinGrid™ introduces the UltraGridOverride object’s GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance property allowing you to define the appearance of HotTracked items in grouped rows.

WinGrid HotTracking Grouped Rows 1.png

Property settings

Setting the HotTracking appearance in code.

In C#:

ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue;

In Visual Basic:

ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.GroupByRowHotTrackAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic contains valuable links to know about the various ways by which you can style the WinGrid control.