
Display a Checkbox for the StateButton Tool

A StateButton tool allows the user to select a tool that will toggle between two different states. When the StateButton is located on a menu, it may be necessary to display a checkbox next to the tool to indicate to the user which state is currently selected.

The MenuDisplayStyle property for the tool can be set at design-time or at run-time. At design-time, right-click on the UltraToolBarsManager and select "Customize". Go to the "Tools" tab and add a new StateButton Tool if one has not yet been added. Select the tool and then change the MenuDisplayStyle property on the right to "DisplayCheckmark".

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars
Private Sub Display_a_Checkbox_for_the_StateButton_Tool_Load( _
  ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	' Create a statebutton tool and a menu tool
	Dim statebuttontool1 As New StateButtonTool("Align")
	Dim menu1 As New PopupMenuTool("Layout")
	' Set the caption for each tool
	menu1.SharedProps.Caption = "Layout"
	statebuttontool1.SharedProps.Caption = "Align"
	' Add the tools to the Tool collection
	' Add the statebutton tool to the menu
	' Add the menu tool to the main menu bar
	' Set the display style to display a checkbox rather than an image
	statebuttontool1.MenuDisplayStyle = _
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;
private void Display_a_Checkbox_for_the_StateButton_Tool_Load(
  object sender, EventArgs e)
	// Create a statebutton tool and a menu tool
	StateButtonTool statebuttontool1 = new StateButtonTool("Align");
	PopupMenuTool menu1 = new PopupMenuTool("Layout");
	// Set the caption for each tool
	menu1.SharedProps.Caption = "Layout";
	statebuttontool1.SharedProps.Caption = "Align";
	// Add the tools to the Tool collection
	// Add the statebutton tool to the menu
	// Add the menu tool to the main menu bar
	// Set the display style to display a checkbox rather than an image
	statebuttontool1.MenuDisplayStyle =