
Replace a Control’s Context Menu with a PopupMenu Tool

The WinToolbarsManager™ component has the functionality to display a PopupMenuTool as the context menu for any other control on the form. This can be done by setting the ContextMenuUltra property.

At Design-Time

Add a PopupMenuTool to the Tools collection, and some other tools to show inside the pop-up menu. Using the PopupMenuTool designer you can place these tools inside the PopupMenuTool. Then add a different control such as a text box to the Form. In the text box’s properties, there will be a property called ContextMenuUltra on UltraToolBarsManager1. When this property is selected, all of the pop-up menu tools in the UltraToolBarsManager element will be available to be selected as the context menu for the text box.

At Run-Time

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars
Private Sub Replace_a_Controls_Context_Menu_with_a_PopupMenu_Tool_Load( _
  ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	' Creates a new popup menu and some buttons
	Dim FontWeight As New PopupMenuTool("FontWeight")
	Dim Bold As New ButtonTool("Bold")
	Dim Underline As New ButtonTool("Underline")
	' Adds the menu and the buttons to the tools collection
	' Adds the button tools to the menu
	'  Sets the caption to be displayed for the button tools
	Bold.SharedProps.Caption = "Bold"
	Underline.SharedProps.Caption = "Underline"
	' Sets the context menu for the TextBox control to the popup menu tool created
	Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.SetContextMenuUltra(Me.UltraTextEditor1, "FontWeight")
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;
private void Replace_a_Controls_Context_Menu_with_a_PopupMenu_Tool_Load(
  object sender,
  EventArgs e)
	// Creates a new popup menu and some buttons
	PopupMenuTool FontWeight = new PopupMenuTool("FontWeight");
	ButtonTool Bold = new ButtonTool("Bold");
	ButtonTool Underline = new ButtonTool("Underline");
	// Adds the menu and the buttons to the tools collection
	// Adds the button tools to the menu
	// Sets the caption to be displayed for the button tools
	Bold.SharedProps.Caption = "Bold";
	Underline.SharedProps.Caption = "Underline";
	// Sets the context menu for the TextBox control to the popup menu tool created
	this.ultraToolbarsManager1.SetContextMenuUltra(this.ultraTextEditor1, "FontWeight");