
Validate a Single Control

WinValidator™ can validate any in-box control. You can validate a control during its Validating event, one of its property changed events, or manually by calling the Validate method. The simplest of these types of validation is calling the Validate method.

The Validate method has several overloads for you to choose from. If you need to validate a specific control, you simply need to pass the control itself as a parameter. However, the drawback to this method is that you need to manually call it each time you want to validate the control. If you’d prefer to validate a control, such as the WinNumericEditor™ control, during its TextChanged event, see Validate during a Specific Event.

The following example code demonstrates how to manually validate the TextBox control.

In Visual Basic:

' Retrieve the settings that determine
' how the TextBox will be validated.
Dim vs As Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings = _
' Turn off automatic validation so WinValidator will
' only validate when the Validate method is called.
vs.ValidationTrigger = _
' Create a condition that will fail validation if
' the text in the TextBox starts with "ultra".
vs.Condition = _
	New Infragistics.Win.OperatorCondition( _
		Infragistics.Win.ConditionOperator.DoesNotStartWith, _
' Validate the TextBox.

In C#:

// Retrieve the settings that determine
// how the TextBox will be validated.
Infragistics.Win.Misc.ValidationSettings vs =
// Turn off automatic validation so WinValidator will
// only validate when the Validate method is called.
vs.ValidationTrigger =
// Create a condition that will fail validation if
// the text in the TextBox starts with "ultra".
vs.Condition =
	new Infragistics.Win.OperatorCondition(
// Validate the TextBox.