
InfragisticsWPF.Test.Editors Namespace

ClassTextEditorBaseProxy Base QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions of controls derived from the NetAdvantage WPF control TextEditorBase.
ClassValueEditorBaseProxy Base QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions of controls derived from the NetAdvantage WPF control ValueEditor.
ClassXamCheckEditorProxy QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions for the NetAdvantage WPF control XamCheckEditor
ClassXamComboEditorProxy QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions against the NetAdvantage WPF control XamComboEditor
ClassXamCurrencyEditorProxy QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions against the NetAdvantage WPF control XamCurrencyEditor
ClassXamDateTimeEditorProxy QTP proxy for the record and replay of actions against the NetAdvantage WPF control XamDateTimeEditor
ClassXamMaskedEditorProxy Infragistics Test Automation proxy server for the Record and Replay support of the NetAdvantage XamMaskedEditor control in HP's Unified Functional Testing.
ClassXamMonthCalendarProxy Infragistics Test Automation proxy server for the Record and Replay support of the NetAdvantage XamMonthEditor control in HP's Unified Functional Testing.
ClassXamNumericEditorProxy Infragistics Test Automation proxy server for the Record and Replay support of the NetAdvantage XamNumericEditor control in HP's Unified Functional Testing.
ClassXamTextEditorProxy Infragistics Test Automation proxy server for the Record and Replay support of the NetAdvantage XamTextEditor control in HP's Unified Functional Testing.
EnumerationXamMonthCalendarProxy.CalendarSelectableItemType Enumeration representing the selectable item types for the XamMonthCalendar.
See Also