
XamMenuBaseProxy Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by XamMenuBaseProxy.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorXamMenuBaseProxy Constructor  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldbCompatibilityWasChecked (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected FieldbKeyAction (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldbMouseAction (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldbRecOnMouseDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldbRecOnMouseUp (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldbRecordedCompatErr (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldbRecordedOnPrvwKeyDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldDSV_KEEPLINE_DURATION (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FielderrCompatibility (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected FieldERRVAL_POINT (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected FieldiCrntClickCount (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldkeyDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldlstToBeRemovedHandlers (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldmlMouseDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldmlMouseUp (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldmlPreMouseDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldmlPreMouseUp (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldmouseActionPath  
Protected Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)prevRecorded  
Protected Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)rootElement  
Protected FieldselectedMenuItem  
Protected FieldspecialDelimiter  
Protected FieldvbCR (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldvbCRLF (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected FieldvbLF (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public Properties
Public PropertyChildMenuItemsGets the headers(if any) of all the visible child XamMenuBase items of the currently selected XamMenuBase item  
Public PropertyChildMenuItemsCountGets the count of the number of visible child XamMenuBase items of the currently selected XamMenuBase item  
Public PropertyEnabledReturns the IsEnabled value of the control. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public PropertyFocusedReturns the IsFocused value of the control. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public PropertyFullTypeName (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public PropertyIGStatus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public Propertylogical_nameReturns the computed locgical name for the XamContextMenu control  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyActionWaitTimeBy default Null, if the value is Null it will allow the proxy to determine what the default wait time should be, which in most cases is 0, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds after each internal logical action, before preceeding to the next internal logical action. A replay proxy method's internal logical actions are different for each replay proxy method, but they may consist of, as an example parameter validation as one action, entering edit mode as a second, and setting a value as a third. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyAnimationMaxWaitTimeBy default 5000, the value represents the maximum total time in milliseconds that the proxy will wait for an animation to finish before attempting to interact with it, typically based on interactions with the mouse. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyAnimationWaitIntervalBy default 125, the value represents the wait time in milliseconds between state checks of an Animation. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyAutoScrollIntoViewTrue by default, if the value is true, will attempt to scroll the control into view prior to attempting to replay every action, if false, it will not automatically attempt to scroll the control into view. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyCompatabilityErrorReturns null if no error, otherwise, returns the IGTestError explaining the compatility issue (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyCurrentFocusedElement (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyErrorMaxReAttemptsBy default 40, the value represents the number of times it will attempt to retry a failed logical actions. This is not used in all scenarios, but is used in conjunction with ErrorReAttemptWaitTime, when combined will by default Wait a maximum of 5 seconds. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyErrorReAttemptWaitTimeBy default 125, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds, this wait time is not used in all scenarios, but when utilized, it is the wait time after an internal logical action fails, and before it attempt to try the action again. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyErrorRetryAttempts (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyFieldEncapClose (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyFieldEncapOpen (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyHardBreakOnAllErrorsTrue by default, If value is true, it will allow any exception to bubble up to QTP, which in turn by default will stop the script and display a message box with the exception. This can be captured via QTP with the ON ERROR RESUME NEXT (see QTP documentation on that subject), if the value evaluates to false, it will instead report the exception to the HP Run Results, and attempt to continue on. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyIsTACompatibleReturns true if the Version, CLR, and Versioning(Version\Versionless) match, otherwise returns false (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyIsVisibleOverridden. Overrides the base IsVisible Property to return the property determined by this proxy instead  
Protected PropertyKeeplineDurationOverrideBy default Null, if the value is Null, it will allow the proxy to determine what the default keep line durantion to be, with a default of 1500ms. If the value is set it will set the default for all actions of the proxy. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyMouseLocationDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyMouseLocationMostRecent (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyMouseLocationUp (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyOwningWindowOverridden. Overrides the base OwningWindow Property to return the property determined by this proxy instead  
Protected PropertyPrepMaskOverrideBy default Null, if the value is Null, it will allow the proxy to determine what basic validations it will perform prior to starting the action. Otherwise the value overrides the default PrepareMask flagged enumeration for each action. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyPropertyDelimiterBy default char(10), the value represents the delimiter for multiple value in a verification property. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyQueuedAction (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyQueueLive (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordBaseClickIn most scenarios False by default, if the value is true it will attempt to record a ClickOnControl for every Click action. If false, it will limit the recording of ClickOnControl to exceptions defined by the proxy. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordClickPercentFalse by default, if the value is true, will record any action that would normally record the InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.IGRectRegion igAt value, and instead record igPercent. If false, will record igAt as normal. Actions it is likely to affect ClickOnControl, ClickSubItem, etc. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordEncapClose (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordEncapOpen (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordForceFireEventsBy default the value is Null, if Null the behavior defaults to how the individual proxy bests decides to handle the scenario. If the value is true when the proxy wires into the events of the control, it will force the events to be handled by the proxy even if the event was "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement. If false, any event "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement that would suppress it from firing up the chain, will keep the proxy from handling the event. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyRecordItemsByIndexFalse by default, If supported by the proxy, and value is true, the proxy will force all records to use index in place of a string when viable.  
Protected PropertyRecordMouseClickDeltaMaxBy default 3, the value represents the distance in pixels a Mouse can move between MouseDown and MouseUp and still be considered a Click for recording purposes. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyReportAllActionResultsTrue by default, if the value is true, it reports all results passing or failing for every action to the HP Run Results, if false it will only report errors and warnings. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyScreenLoc (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertySettings (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertySourceElement (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyStepWaitTimeBy default is 0, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds after each Replay proxy method completes before preceeding to the next replay proxy method. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected PropertyUtilityObject (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.WPF.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Protected PropertyWasPossibleDrag (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected PropertyWindowLoc (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodCheckMenuItemClicks on the menu item to check the item  
Public MethodClickControlClick on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodClickSubItemClick on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodCloseUpCloses the submenu of a menu item if the submenu exists  
Public MethodDblClickControlDouble Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDblClickSubItemDouble Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDropDownOpens the submenu of a menu item if the submenu exists  
Public MethodGetChildrenCountOfMenuItemMethod to retrieve the count of all the visible child menu items of the requested XamMenuBase item  
Public MethodGetChildrenOfMenuItemOverloaded. Method to retrieve the headers(if any) of all the visible child menu items of the requested XamMenuBase item  
Public MethodGetFWElementFromSubItemOverloaded. Returns the visible UI framework element of the specified sub-item  
Public MethodGetNAPropertiesThis method will returns a list of the visible properties of a given object, and their data types. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetNAPropertyThis method will return the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetProxySetting (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetSubItemFromArgReturns the sub-item of a given type from its identifier  
Public MethodGetSubItemProperties (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetSubItemPropertyReturn a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodIsKnownPartOfOverloaded. Overridden. Determines if a framework element is part of the control.  
Public MethodMouseActionOnControlPerforms the requested MouseAction on the Control (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodMouseActionOnSubItemPerforms the requested MouseAction on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodOnMessageOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodRecordInitOverridden. Hooks up event handlers for the proxy, do not invoke this method directly as this is automatically internally called after the SourceElement is interacted with.  
Public MethodRecordStop (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public MethodRightClickControlRight Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodRightClickSubItemRight Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSelectMenuItemClicks on the menu item to select the item  
Public MethodSetFocusSet focus to the control (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetNAPropertyThis method will set the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetProxySettingThis method will set the value of one of the customizable proxy settings. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetSubItemPropertySets a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodUnCheckMenuItemClicks on the menu item to uncheck the item  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddCustomFWElemInstancePropertiesToReflectionHelperCalls (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodAddCustomTypeBasedPropertiesToReflectionHelperCalls (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodAddCustomTypeValueConvertersToReflectionHelperCalls (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodAddHandlerOverloaded. Adds an event handler of the named event to the SourceElement. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodAsmError_MouseEvent (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodBringElementIntoView (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodBringFWElementPointInView (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodCleanReturnValueForReturnToQTP (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodClearKeyState (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodClearLoadedHandlers (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodClearMouseHelpers (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodConvertActionIdToStringConverts the identifier of a RecordAction ( first argument of a RecordAction ) to its string equivalent. The identifier can be a (string), (number) or a (list of strings and/or numbers)  
Protected MethodConvertObjectArrayToStringConverts the input object or object array to a comma-delimited string  
Protected MethodEnsureVisibility (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodfnClickMenuItemInternal proxy method that clicks on the menu item to select, check/uncheck the item  
Protected MethodfnCloseUpInternal proxy method that closes the submenu of a menu item if the submenu exists  
Protected MethodfnOpenDropDownInternal proxy method that opens the submenu of a menu item if the submenu exists  
Protected MethodfnSetFocus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodfnSetProxySetting (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetChildMenuItemOverloaded. Gets the child item of the parent XamMenuBase item which matches the unique child identifier specified  
Protected MethodGetChildrenOfSelectedMenu<T>Internal method to retrieve the headers(if any) of all the visible child menu items of the currently selected menu  
Protected MethodGetChildrenOfSelectedMenuItemInternal method to retrieve the headers(if any) of all the visible child menu items of the currently selected menu item  
Protected MethodGetClickEnums (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetIntIndexedValueFromCollectionOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetItemActualIndexGets the actual index of an item from the items collection  
Protected MethodGetItemCollectionCountGets the total number of items in the items collection  
Protected MethodGetItemFromItemsCollectionGets the item at the specified index of the items collection  
Protected MethodGetItemHeaderRetrieves the header(if any) of the specified XamMenuBase item  
Protected MethodGetItemIdentifierGets a unique identifier for the menu item. The unique identifier will be the item's header if it has one. If not, the identifier is the item's visible index in the collection at that level. If duplicate items exist having the same header value, the identifier is again the item's visible index in the collection at that level.  
Protected MethodGetItemPropertyOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetKeyState (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetLogicalNameOverridden. Overrides the Logical name of the XamContextMenu control to return the name of the context menu(if any), else the name of its target control(if any), else the location of the target control  
Protected MethodGetMenuItemArgCreates a valid QTP variant value of the supplied XamMenuBase Item.  
Protected MethodGetMenuItemFromArgRetrieves the XamMenuBase item from its QTP variant for the Replay action. From the identifier, the path is traversed until the menu item is reached.  
Protected MethodGetMenuItemIdentifier<T>Gets the unique identifier for the XamMenuBase item that is currently selected.  
Protected MethodGetMouseActionPointOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetMousedDepObjectReturns the DependencyObject on which the mouse is clicked (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetNAPropReflectionHelperOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetOwningUIElementReturns the owning UI element of the input source object (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetProxySettingsReturns the Proxy Settings from which the identifier of the required item will be obtained (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetRecordableEnums (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetRectFromFrameworkElement (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetRectRegionPoint (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetReflectionHelperMembers (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetReflectionHelperValue (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetReturnObjectReturns the object that contains the input header and/or count as needed. If only the header is needed, the returned object will be a header string If only the count is needed, the returned object will be a count integer If both header and count are needed, the returned object will be a list of header followed by count  
Protected MethodGetRootOwningElementReturns the root owning FrameworkElement of the input Menu item which may be a XamMenu or XamContextMenu  
Protected MethodGetSelItemReturns the item from the current argument string and the current argument type (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetSubItemIdOverloaded. Returns the unique identifier of the sub-item obtained from the input object. In most cases, the source object is either the Original Source or the Moused dependency object obtained from the MouseLocationHelper (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetSubItemIdFromFWElementInternal method that returns the unique identifier of the sub-item and the enum type of the sub-item obtained from the input Framework element  
Protected MethodGetSubItemReflectionHelper (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodInvokeActionOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodInvokeActionForInt (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodInvokeActionForObject (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodInvokeActionForString (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodInvokeActionsOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsInt (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsItemHeaderValidDetermines if the header of a XamMenuBase item is not null or empty and if it is of type string  
Protected MethodIsItemVisible<T>Determines if the menu or menu item is visible or not  
Protected MethodIsNumeric (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsPartOf (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsPositiveInt (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsQueuedAction (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsRecordBaseClick (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodLostFocus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected Methodmenu_KeyDownHandles keyboard interaction with MenuBase.  
Protected Methodmenu_KeyUpHandles keyboard interaction with MenuBase.  
Protected MethodmenuItem_CheckedRecords the check action on a Menu item  
Protected MethodmenuItem_ClickedRecords the click action on a Menu item  
Protected MethodmenuItem_UncheckedRecords the uncheck action on a Menu item  
Protected MethodMenuItemPreviewMouseUpFires the Click, Check and Uncheck events on the specific menu item just before the Mouse Up handler is called  
Protected MethodMouseActionOnControlEX (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseActionOnSubItemEX (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseClickOverloaded. Performs a mouse click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseDblClickOverloaded. Performs a mouse double click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseDownOverloaded. Performs a mouse down operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseMoveOverloaded. Performs a mouse move operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseRightClickOverloaded. Performs a mouse right click operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodMouseUpOverloaded. Performs a mouse up operation in the center of the framework element supplied (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodNeedRecordBaseClickReturns true to indicate that base clicks should be recorded for the control and false to stop recording the base clicks (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodNeedToRecordMenuItemReturns true if the action on the specified menu item needs to be recorded, else false  
Protected MethodOverrideBaseProperties  
Protected MethodParseSelItemArgToList<T>Parses a given string argument into a list of items of the specified type T (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodPropertyListToStringOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodRecordOverloaded. Sends the Recorded action to QTP (Handles Queueing) (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodRecordClickActionHelperOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodRecordDebug (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodRecordEXOverloaded. Sends RecordAction.RecString to QTP (Final Layer) (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodRecordMenuItemRecords the selected menu item either on a click,check or uncheck of the item. It can also optionally record Open and Close of the item's submenus  
Protected MethodRecordMenuItemOnClickWhen a menu item is clicked, if the item is not previously recorded in the preview mouse up event, it is recorded here  
Protected MethodRecordMenuItemOnKeyDownRecords keyboard interactions with a menu item  
Protected MethodRecordOnAncestorReturns true if recording should be allowed on ancestor FrameworkElements. This is useful for scenarios where a control is embedded within a control of the same type (say, XamTabControl within a XamTabControl). We can control recording only on the actual child control and not all its ancestors. (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodReportError (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodReportPassOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodReportWarning (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodRetrieveChildItemOfMenu<T>Retrieves the child menu item from the parent menu which is either at the specified index of the parent or matches the specified header of the child  
Protected MethodRetrieveChildItemOfMenuItemRetrieves the child menu item from the parent menu item which is either at the specified index of the parent or matches the specified header of the child  
Protected MethodRetrieveChildMenuItemRetrieves the child menu item from the collection of items of the parent  
Protected MethodRetrieveItemsViaStackPanelOverloaded. Retrieves all child menu items from the stack panel of the parent XamContextMenu  
Protected MethodScrollItemIntoViewOverloaded. Scrolls the specified framework element into view  
Protected MethodSendQueue (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSendStringWithModKeys (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodSetItemPropertyOverloaded.  (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSetKeyState (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodSetMenuItemIdentifierSets the path identifier of the selected XamMenuBase item consisting of its visible index and/or header if any  
Protected MethodSetReflectionHelperValue (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_KeyUp (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_LostFocus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_LostKeyboardFocus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseLeave (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseUpOverridden.   
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewMouseDownOverridden. Event handler triggered directly before the MouseDown handler is triggered  
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewMouseUpOverridden. Event handler triggered directly before the MouseUp handler is triggered  
Protected MethodtimerKeepLine_Elapsed (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Protected MethodTypeValidate (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodValidateForReplay (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodWaitForFWElemRectToStopChanging (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Protected MethodYield (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
See Also