
IGProxySetting Enumeration

This enumeration equates to a series of settings on the base proxy that all others Test Automation proxies inherit from. Primarily this enumeration is used in the replay methods on all proxies GetProxySetting and SetProxySetting. If a setting begins with Record, it means that it's use is limited only during record process and therefore cannot be affected by a value set during the replay action SetProxySetting. Each setting can also be set in the corresponding Test Automation add-in cfg file under the $QTPInstallDirectory\dat\Extensibility\WPF directory. There you can set any of the settings, including the Record based ones. Documentation for how to add settings are in the HP Unified Functional Testing help. NOTE:To have settings changes in that file take place, you must close the current script and open a script either new or existing.
Public Enum IGProxySetting 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum IGProxySetting : System.Enum 
__value public enum IGProxySetting : public System.Enum 
ActionWaitTimeBy default Null, if the value is Null it will allow the proxy to determine what the default wait time should be, which in most cases is 0, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds after each internal logical action, before preceeding to the next internal logical action. A replay proxy method's internal logical actions are different for each replay proxy method, but they may consist of, as an example parameter validation as one action, entering edit mode as a second, and setting a value as a third.
AnimationMaxWaitTimeBy default 5000, the value represents the maximum total time in milliseconds that the proxy will wait for an animation to finish before attempting to interact with it, typically based on interactions with the mouse.
AnimationWaitIntervalBy default 125, the value represents the wait time in milliseconds between state checks of an Animation.
AutoScrollIntoViewTrue by default, if the value is true, will attempt to scroll the control into view prior to attempting to replay every action, if false, it will not automatically attempt to scroll the control into view.
ErrorMaxReAttemptsBy default 40, the value represents the number of times it will attempt to retry a failed logical actions. This is not used in all scenarios, but is used in conjunction with ErrorReAttemptWaitTime, when combined will by default Wait a maximum of 5 seconds.
ErrorReAttemptWaitTimeBy default 125, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds, this wait time is not used in all scenarios, but when utilized, it is the wait time after an internal logical action fails, and before it attempt to try the action again.
HardBreakOnAllErrorsTrue by default, If value is true, it will allow any exception to bubble up to QTP, which in turn by default will stop the script and display a message box with the exception. This can be captured via QTP with the ON ERROR RESUME NEXT (see QTP documentation on that subject), if the value evaluates to false, it will instead report the exception to the HP Run Results, and attempt to continue on.
InvalidSettingNot used.
KeeplineDurationOverrideBy default Null, if the value is Null, it will allow the proxy to determine what the default keep line durantion to be, with a default of 1500ms. If the value is set it will set the default for all actions of the proxy.
PrepMaskOverrideBy default Null, if the value is Null, it will allow the proxy to determine what basic validations it will perform prior to starting the action. Otherwise the value overrides the default PrepareMask flagged enumeration for each action.
PropertyDelimiterBy default char(10), the value represents the delimiter for multiple value in a verification property.
RecordBaseClickIn most scenarios False by default, if the value is true it will attempt to record a ClickOnControl for every Click action. If false, it will limit the recording of ClickOnControl to exceptions defined by the proxy.
RecordClickPercentFalse by default, if the value is true, will record any action that would normally record the IGRectRegion igAt value, and instead record igPercent. If false, will record igAt as normal. Actions it is likely to affect ClickOnControl, ClickSubItem, etc.
RecordForceFireEventsBy default the value is Null, if Null the behavior defaults to how the individual proxy bests decides to handle the scenario. If the value is true when the proxy wires into the events of the control, it will force the events to be handled by the proxy even if the event was "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement. If false, any event "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement that would suppress it from firing up the chain, will keep the proxy from handling the event.
RecordItemsByIndexFalse by default, If supported by the proxy, and value is true, the proxy will force all records to use index in place of a string when viable.
RecordMouseClickDeltaMaxBy default 3, the value represents the distance in pixels a Mouse can move between MouseDown and MouseUp and still be considered a Click for recording purposes.
RecordSetFocusFalse by default if the value is true the proxy will record SetFocus after 3 seconds, if false it will never record SetFocus.
ReportAllActionResultsTrue by default, if the value is true, it reports all results passing or failing for every action to the HP Run Results, if false it will only report errors and warnings.
StepWaitTimeBy default is 0, the value represents a wait time in milliseconds after each Replay proxy method completes before preceeding to the next replay proxy method.

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also