
ProxyBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ProxyBase.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorProxyBase Constructor  
Protected Fields
Public Properties
Public PropertyFullTypeName  
Public PropertyIGStatus  
Public Propertylogical_name  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyCompatabilityErrorReturns null if no error, otherwise, returns the IGTestError explaining the compatility issue  
Protected PropertyIsTACompatibleReturns true if the Version, CLR, and Versioning(Version\Versionless) match, otherwise returns false  
Protected PropertyIsVisible  
Protected PropertyOwningWindow  
Protected PropertyScreenLoc  
Protected PropertySettings  
Protected PropertySourceElement  
Protected PropertyUtilityObject (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.WPF.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Protected PropertyWindowLoc  
Protected Methods
See Also