
RecordProxyBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RecordProxyBase.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRecordProxyBase Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyEnabledReturns the IsEnabled value of the control.  
Public PropertyFocusedReturns the IsFocused value of the control.  
Public PropertyFullTypeName (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public PropertyIGStatus (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public Propertylogical_name (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyCompatabilityErrorReturns null if no error, otherwise, returns the IGTestError explaining the compatility issue (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyCurrentFocusedElement  
Protected PropertyFieldEncapClose  
Protected PropertyFieldEncapOpen  
Protected PropertyIsTACompatibleReturns true if the Version, CLR, and Versioning(Version\Versionless) match, otherwise returns false (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyIsVisible (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyKeeplineDurationOverrideBy default Null, if the value is Null, it will allow the proxy to determine what the default keep line durantion to be, with a default of 1500ms. If the value is set it will set the default for all actions of the proxy.  
Protected PropertyMouseLocationDown  
Protected PropertyMouseLocationMostRecent  
Protected PropertyMouseLocationUp  
Protected PropertyOwningWindow (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyQueuedAction  
Protected PropertyQueueLive  
Protected PropertyRecordBaseClickIn most scenarios False by default, if the value is true it will attempt to record a ClickOnControl for every Click action. If false, it will limit the recording of ClickOnControl to exceptions defined by the proxy.  
Protected PropertyRecordClickPercentFalse by default, if the value is true, will record any action that would normally record the IGRectRegion igAt value, and instead record igPercent. If false, will record igAt as normal. Actions it is likely to affect ClickOnControl, ClickSubItem, etc.  
Protected PropertyRecordEncapClose  
Protected PropertyRecordEncapOpen  
Protected PropertyRecordForceFireEventsBy default the value is Null, if Null the behavior defaults to how the individual proxy bests decides to handle the scenario. If the value is true when the proxy wires into the events of the control, it will force the events to be handled by the proxy even if the event was "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement. If false, any event "handled" by an earlier FrameworkElement that would suppress it from firing up the chain, will keep the proxy from handling the event.  
Protected PropertyRecordItemsByIndexFalse by default, If supported by the proxy, and value is true, the proxy will force all records to use index in place of a string when viable.  
Protected PropertyRecordMouseClickDeltaMaxBy default 3, the value represents the distance in pixels a Mouse can move between MouseDown and MouseUp and still be considered a Click for recording purposes.  
Protected PropertyScreenLoc (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertySettings (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertySourceElement (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected PropertyUtilityObject (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.WPF.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Protected PropertyWasPossibleDrag  
Protected PropertyWindowLoc (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodIsKnownPartOfOverloaded.   
Public MethodOnMessageOverloaded.   
Public MethodRecordInit  
Public MethodRecordStop  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddHandlerOverloaded. Adds an event handler of the named event to the SourceElement.  
Protected MethodAsmError_MouseEvent  
Protected MethodClearLoadedHandlers  
Protected MethodClearMouseHelpers  
Protected MethodGetClickEnums  
Protected MethodGetItemPropertyOverloaded.   
Protected MethodGetLogicalName (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodGetMousedDepObjectReturns the DependencyObject on which the mouse is clicked  
Protected MethodGetOwningUIElementReturns the owning UI element of the input source object  
Protected MethodGetRecordableEnums  
Protected MethodGetSubItemIdOverloaded. Returns the unique identifier of the sub-item obtained from the input object. In most cases, the source object is either the Original Source or the Moused dependency object obtained from the MouseLocationHelper  
Protected MethodIsInt (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsNumeric (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsPartOf  
Protected MethodIsPositiveInt (Inherited from InfragisticsWPF.Test.Shared.ProxyBase)
Protected MethodIsQueuedAction  
Protected MethodIsRecordBaseClick  
Protected MethodLostFocus  
Protected MethodNeedRecordBaseClickReturns true to indicate that base clicks should be recorded for the control and false to stop recording the base clicks  
Protected MethodRecordOverloaded. Sends the Recorded action to QTP (Handles Queueing)  
Protected MethodRecordClickActionHelperOverloaded.   
Protected MethodRecordDebug  
Protected MethodRecordEXOverloaded. Sends RecordAction.RecString to QTP (Final Layer)  
Protected MethodRecordOnAncestorReturns true if recording should be allowed on ancestor FrameworkElements. This is useful for scenarios where a control is embedded within a control of the same type (say, XamTabControl within a XamTabControl). We can control recording only on the actual child control and not all its ancestors.  
Protected MethodSendQueue  
Protected MethodSetItemPropertyOverloaded.   
Protected MethodSourceElement_KeyUp  
Protected MethodSourceElement_LostFocus  
Protected MethodSourceElement_LostKeyboardFocus  
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseDown  
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseLeave  
Protected MethodSourceElement_MouseUp  
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewKeyDown  
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewMouseDown  
Protected MethodSourceElement_PreviewMouseUp  
Protected MethodtimerKeepLine_Elapsed  
See Also