This topic provides reference information about the recordable user methods for testing the xamDataTree™ control.
This topic contains the following sections:
The following table briefly explains the recordable methods for testing the control. Detailed information about the methods is provided in the text blocks following the table.
The Select method is used for recording and replaying a node selection.
The method records the path to the currently selected node.
When it is replayed, the method uses the provided node path to select it.
The method accepts as a parameter an array of nodes’ header or array of nodes’ index forming the path to the selected node, depending on whether there are duplicating node headers. The following rule applies:
If the header text is unique, the node header text is used as a parameter.
If the header text is not unique, the index is used instead for every duplicating header text.
The following table explains the method’s parameters along with some sample code.
This method takes as a parameter an array of node headers forming the path to the specified node.
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.
The Activate method is used for recording and replaying a node activation.
The method records the path to the currently active node.
When it is replayed, the method uses the provided node path to activate it.
The method accepts as a parameter an array of nodes’ header or an array of nodes’ index forming the path to the activated node, depending on whether there are duplicating node headers. The following rules applies:
If the header text is unique, the node header text is used as a parameter.
If the header text is not unique, the index is used instead for every duplicating header text.
The following table explains the method’s parameters along with some sample code.
This method takes as a parameter an array of node headers forming the path to the specified node.
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.
The SetText method is used for recording and replaying the editing of the node header.
The method records the path to the currently edited node and the new text to be set.
When it is replayed, the method sets the new text to the edited node header.
The method accepts as a first parameter an array of nodes’ header or an array of nodes’ index forming the path to the node, depending on whether there are duplicating node headers. The following rules applies:
If the header text is unique, the node header text is used as a parameter.
If the header text is not unique, the index is used instead for every duplicating header text.
The following table explains the method’s parameters together with some sample code.
This method takes as parameters array of node headers (node path) and the new text to be set.
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.
The SetNodeState method is used for recording and replaying checking/unchecking of a node.
The method records the path to the node and the check state value.
When it is replayed, the method checks/unchecks the node.
The check state can be one of the following values:
• Checked = 0
• UnChecked
• Indetermined
The following table explains the method’s parameters along with some sample code.
This method takes as parameters array of node headers (node path) and the new check state of the node.
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.
The Expand method is used for recording and replaying the expanding of a parent node.
The method records the path to the node that is expanded.
When it is replayed, the method expands the specified parent node.
The method accepts as first parameter either an array of nodes’ header or array of nodes’ index forming the path to the node, depending on whether there are duplicating node headers. The following rule applies:
If the header text is unique, the node header text is used as a parameter.
If the header text is not unique, the index is used instead for every duplicating header text.
The following table explains the method’s parameters together with some sample code.
This method takes as a parameter an array of nodes’ header (node path).
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely causing them.
The Collapse method is used for recording and replaying collapsing of a parent node.
The method records the path to the node that is collapsed.
When it is replayed, the method collapses the specified parent node.
The method accepts as a first parameter an array of nodes’ header or array of nodes’ index forming the path to the node, depending on whether there are duplicating node headers. The following rule applies:
If the header text is unique, the node header text is used as a parameter.
If the header text is not unique, the index is used instead for every duplicating header text.
The following table explains the method’s parameters along with some sample code.
This method takes as a parameter an array of nodes’ header (node path).
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely causing them.
The following table lists other topics you may find useful.