XamDoughnutChart("Identifier").ClickSlice “Sales”
This topic provides information about the xamDoughnutChart™ control’s testable user methods for recording and replaying actions.
This recordable action when replayed simulates a click on the specified slice of the xamDoughnutChart control.
The following table explains the method’s parameter followed by code example.
Click on the “Sales” slice of the doughnut chart on the inner-most ring.
XamDoughnutChart("Identifier").ClickSlice “Sales”
Click on the fourth slice (zero-based index) of the doughnut chart on the inner-most ring.
XamDoughnutChart("Identifier").ClickSlice 3
Click on the “Development” slice in the second ring from the center. It is zero-based index.
XamDoughnutChart("Identifier").ClickSlice ARRAY(1, "Development")
The following list contains the possible exceptions to this method and the likely reasons causing them.
The specified XamDoughnut Ring index [{1}] is out of range.
The specified XamDoughnut Slice index [{1}] is out of range.
The following XamDoughnut Slice [{1}] key was not found.
Argument [{0}] is not formatted correctly format must be:
[int SliceIndex | string SliceLabel | ARRAY (int RingIndex, { int SliceIndex | string SliceLabel} )]'
The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.