xamMonthCalendar Test Object Recordable Methods Summary
Recordable methods summary chart
The following table briefly explains the recordable methods for testing the control. Detailed information about the methods is provided in the text blocks following the table.
The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.
Exception name
Exception description
Possible reasons
The specified value is not a DateTime
The method expects a DateTime type parameter.
The method parameter is not valid.
The following CalendarItem was not found.
The specified parameter cannot be found.
The method parameter is not valid.
ChangeSelectedDates Method
The ChangeSelectedDates method records and replays the changing of existings selection of muliple dates in the xamMonthCalendar control. It is used to perform adding and removing of dates in a selection in one step.
This method is recorded when the user performs the following actions:
Ctrl + click in a range of already selected dates to mark a starting date for a new selection.
Shift + drag to select a new range of dates.
When replayed, the method validates the selected dates, adds and removes them accordingly from collection of selected dates.
The following table explains the method’s parameters together with some sample code.
Method Parameter
Array of dates to be added
Array of dates to be removed
The dates in the arrays have to be formatted in the following way: mm/dd/yyyy. The dates to be added are listed as the first parameter and the dates to be removed – as the second parameter.
This topic provides reference information about the proxy class that supports the testing of the xamMonthCalendar™ control in Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing software.