
xamNetworkNode - Replay-Only Methods

Topic Overview


This topic provides information about the xamNetworkNode™ control’s testable user replay-only methods.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

xamNetworkNode Test Object Replay-Only Methods Summary

Replay-Only methods summary chart

The following table briefly explains the replay-only method for testing the control and provides detailed information about the method.

Method Description

Returns a string of all the incoming and outgoing node identifiers of the xamNetworkNode control’s specified nodes.

GetConnectedNodes method


This method obtains the oNodeIdentifiers nodes collection of from returning a string of all incoming and outgoing node identifiers for each node in the collection.


The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Method parameter Description


Unique identifier of the XamNetworkNode control’s node. This identifier can be either the node’s label or visible index.

  • If the identifier represents a single node, it can be either the node’s label or visible index

  • If this identifier represents multiple nodes, it will be an array of each node’s label or the visible index.


Retrieves all incoming and outgoing nodes label “Node0”.

XamNetworkNode("xamNetworkNode1").GetConnectedNodes "Node0"

Retrieves all incoming and outgoing node-to-node connections using the node index.

XamNetworkNode("xamNetworkNode1").GetConnectedNodes 3

Retrieves all incoming and outgoing nodes falling within a range of nodes specified in the array.

XamNetworkNode("xamNetworkNode1").GetConnectedNodes ARRAY ("Node0", "Node1")

Posts all incoming and outgoing nodes within a range of nodes, specified in the array using indices. The following example, retrieves all the nodes that are connected (incoming and outgoing) to nodes 3 and 7.

XamNetworkNode("xamNetworkNode1").GetConnectedNodes ARRAY (3, 7)

Default settings


Possible exceptions

The following table lists the possible exceptions for the method and the reason that is likely to be causing them.

Exception name Description Possible reason

Item is not found.

Cannot display the node.

The node visibility is hidden or collapsed.

Item is not found.

Cannot identify the node header.

The node header is not found among the existing nodes collection.

Index out of range.

The specified index cannot be identified.

Index of the node is out of range.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides information about the xamNetworkNode control’s testable user actions and elements.

This topic provides information about the xamNetworkNode control’s testable user recordable methods.

This topic provides reference information about the xamNetworkNode control’s test object properties.

This topic provides reference information about the common enumerations used in testing the xamNetworkNode control.