
ResourceCalendar Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ResourceCalendar.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorResourceCalendar ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyBaseColorGets or sets the base color used to display this calendar resource.  
Public PropertyBrushProviderReturns the assigned CalendarBrushProvider  
Public PropertyBrushVersionReturns the version of the brush cache.  
Public PropertyDataItemGets the underlying data item from the data source.  
Public PropertyDescriptionGets or sets the description.  
Public PropertyIdGets or sets the calendar id.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleSpecifies whether this calendar is visible in the UI.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleResolvedGets the resolve value indicating whether this resource is visible in the UI.  
Public PropertyMetadataReturns a MetadataPropertyValueStore object that's used for storing and retrieving metadata information.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the calendar.  
Public PropertyOwningResourceReturns the associated Resource.  
Public PropertyOwningResourceIdGets the id of the resource to which this calendar belongs.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListenersGets whether there are any listeners for the Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier.PropertyChanged event (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAddingVirtual method called when the first listener is being added to the Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier.PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChangedVirtual method called when the HasListeners property changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedOverridden. Overridden. Called when property changed event is raised.  
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent(String,Object,PropertyChangedEventArgs)Raises the PropertyChanged event (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodSetField<T>Helper method used by property setters to change the value of a field and raise the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifierExtended)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedRaised when a property has changed (Inherited from Infragistics.Services.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also