
CalculationResult Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CalculationResult.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCalculationResult ConstructorConstructor. Initializes a new instance of CalculationResult.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCalculationValueCalculation result value. As the underlying formula is recalculated, this property will reflect the new result.  
Public PropertyErrorTextIf the result of the calculation is an error, returns the error text. Otherwise returns null.  
Public PropertyIsErrorIndicates if the result of the calculation is an error.  
Public PropertyValueThis property returns the value of the Infragistics.Calculations.Engine.CalculationValue.Value property of the object returned by the CalculationValue property.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListeners (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Methods
Public MethodToStringReturns the string representation of the underlying value.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAdding (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also