
RefBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RefBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAbsoluteNameThe fully qualified unique name for the referenced element. Read Only.  
Public PropertyBaseParentThe RefBase Parent reference of this referenced element. Used to navigate the element hierarchy. If this referenced element is the root element, BaseParent returns null. Read Only.  
Public PropertyContextReturns a context for the Reference.  
Public PropertyElementNameThe unqualified name of this referenced element. Used to construct the fully qualified name by the AbsoluteName method. Read Only.  
Public PropertyFormulaThe ICalculationFormula, if any, associated with this Reference. If this reference can not contain a formula then null is returned.  
Public PropertyHasAbsoluteIndexTrue indicates that the reference was constructed with a relative index. Read Only.  
Public PropertyHasRelativeIndexTrue indicates that the reference was constructed with a relative index. Read Only.  
Public PropertyHasScopeAllTrue indicates that the reference was constructed with a scope all index. Read Only.  
Public PropertyIsAnchoredReturns true if this reference is anchored. An anchored reference is a direct reference to an element. An unanchored reference is an indirect reference. An indirect reference stores context dependent properties such as the relative name used to create the reference. Read Only.  
Public PropertyIsDataReferenceReturns true if this reference is a data reference. A data reference contains a value, such as a Grid Cell or a Grid SummaryValue. Many referenced elements, such as a Grid Column or a Grid Band, do not reference a value. Read Only.  
Public PropertyIsDisposedReferenceTrue indicates that the reference was disposed. Read Only.  
Public PropertyIsEnumerableReturns true if this reference is enumerable.  
Public PropertyIsRangeReturns true if this reference is a Range Reference. Read Only.  
Public PropertyNormalizedAbsoluteNameReturns the normalized absolute name. Calculation engine makes use of normalized absolute names of references to compare two references and search for references. This property should return the absolute name with case insensitive parts of the absolute names converted to lower case.  
Public PropertyParentThe RefBase Parent reference of this referenced element. Used to navigate the element hierarchy. If this referenced element is the root element, BaseParent returns null. Read Only.  
Public PropertyParsedReferenceGets or Sets the parsed representation of this reference. This returns the absolute reference name. Use RelativeReference to get the parsed representation of the string used to create this reference if this reference is UnAnchored.  
Public PropertyRecalcDeferredFlag used by the calculation engine to manage the recalculation network. Denotes the reference is visible.  
Public PropertyRecalcVisibleFlag used by the calculation engine to manage the recalculation network. Denotes the reference is visible.  
Public PropertyReferencesReturn a collection of references if this Reference is enumerable. An exception is thrown if this reference is not enumerable.  
Public PropertyRelativeReferenceGets or Sets the parsed representation of the string used to create this reference if this reference is UnAnchored. Use AbsoluteReference to get the parsed representation of the anchored reference.  
Public PropertyShouldFormulaEditorIncludeIndexGets the value indicating whether the formula editor should include default indexes after this reference's address when enumerable references are used where a single value is expected.  
Public PropertyValueThe CalculationValue, if any, associated with this Reference. If this reference does not contain a Value then a CalculationErrorValue is returned.  
Public PropertyWrappedReferenceReturns the indirect reference of an UnAnchored reference. Read only.  
Public Methods
Public MethodContainsReferenceReturns true if this reference contains inReference  
Public MethodCreateRangeCreate a Range reference relative to this reference.  
Public MethodCreateReferenceCreate a new reference relative to this reference.  
Public MethodEqualsOverriden. Default implementation returns true if the normalized absolute names of this reference and the passed in reference match. These objects are going to be added to data structure that make use of GetHashCode and Equals methods. What this means is that the normalized absolute name must not change throughout the lifetime of this instance. If it does change then the overriding class must override this method and return a hash code based on some other immutable property of the instance.  
Public MethodFindAllReturns the named reference relative to this reference with scope "All".  
Public MethodFindItemOverloaded. Returns the named reference relative to this reference.  
Public MethodFindParentReturns a reference to this elements Parent. Some Reference implementations (RefColumn) override this to return something different than BaseParent when handling ".."  
Public MethodFindSummaryItemReturns the named SummaryItem reference relative to this reference.  
Public MethodGetChildReferencesReturns the child references of the reference. This method can return null.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeOverridden. Default implementation returns the hash code of the normalized absolute name. These objects are going to be added to data structure that make use of GetHashCode and Equals methods. What this means is that the normalized absolute name must not change throughout the lifetime of this instance. If it does change then the overriding class must override this method and return a hash code based on some other immutable property of the instance.  
Public MethodIsSiblingReferenceDetermines whether the given reference is a sibling of this reference  
Public MethodIsSubsetReferenceReturns true if inReference is a proper subset of this reference  
Public MethodMarkRelativeIndicesFor each reference tuple in this reference that has a relative index, mark the corresponding tuple in inReference.  
Public MethodResolveReferenceResolves a reference relative to this reference. For example, if this reference is a reference to a row, and inReference is a reference to a column, the resolved reference is the cell reference that is the intersection of this row and the input column.  
Public MethodScopedReferencesReturns a ICalculationReferenceCollection for enumerable references constrained to the specified reference.  
Public MethodToStringReturns a string representation of the reference based on the reference type and absolute name.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodBuildReferenceConstructs a reference relative to this reference by walking all the elements of the specified parsed reference. If forceDataRef is true, then any IsDataReference references are forced to resolve to a specific data item when an incomplete identifier is specified. RefLoop is used to iterate over the specified parsed reference.

This method must be overridden by the Root reference object to deal with external or root references. The Root referece object must advance past the optional control name in a Fully Qualified Reference before calling RefLoop

Protected MethodCreateParsedReferenceUsed to create a new RefParser for the reference.  
Protected MethodFindRootReturns the Root reference of a reference hierarchy. The root reference is used to resolve the fully qualifed form of a reference. Note: Must be overridden by the Root reference to return "this".  
Protected MethodRefLoopConstructs a reference relative to the specified starting reference by walking the specified RefTuple enumerator. For each RefTuple, the next "current" reference is constucted by calling the Find method based on the scope of the RefTuple. If forceDataRef is true, then any IsDataReference references are forced to resolve to a specific data item when an incomplete identifier is specified.  
See Also