
RefTuple Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RefTuple.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRefTuple ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyIsAbsoluteA tuple is Absolute if it is of type Identifier with a scope type other than RelativeIndex.  
Public PropertyLastIndicator that this tuple is is the last tuple in a RefParser tuple path.  
Public PropertyMarkedIndicator that this tuple is Marked.  
Public PropertyNameThe tuple name for reference type Identifier. Read Only.  
Public PropertyNextToLastIndicator that this tuple is is the next-to-last tuple in a RefParser tuple path.  
Public PropertyScopeThe tuple scope. Read Only.  
Public PropertyScopeIDThe tuple scope Identifier for scope type Identifier. Read Only.  
Public PropertyScopeIndexThe tuple scope index for scope type Index or RelativeIndex. Read Only.  
Public PropertyTypeThe tuple type. Read Only.  
Public Methods
Public MethodContainsTrue if this tuple contains the input tuple. The input tuple is considered to be contained if both tuples have the same identifier and if this scope contains the input scope. The input scope is contained if neither scope types are type Unknown and they meet one of the following conditions:
  • Both tuples have SummaryValue scope.
  • Either tuple has scope type Any.
  • Both are type Identifier and have lexographicly equal scope identifiers.
  • Both are the same type of index (Index or RelativeIndex) and have the same scope index.
Public MethodIncrementScopeIncrements the scope if the scope if type Index or RelativeIndex.  
Public MethodIsNumericScopeGTETrue if both tuples have the same type and numeric scope type and this numeric index >= the input tuple numeric index  
Public MethodIsNumericScopeLTETrue if both tuples have the same type and numeric scope type and this numeric index <= the input tuple numeric index  
Public MethodIsSameIdentifierCompares this tuple identifiers with the input tuple identifier.  
Public MethodIsSameTupleTuple Equivalence comparison. True if same Type and Scope.  
Public MethodIsSubsetTrue if the input tuple is a subset of this tuble. The input tuple is considered to be a subset if both tuples have the same identifier and if this scope entirely contains the input scope. The input scope is contained if neither scope types are type Unknown and they meet one of the following conditions:
  • Both tuples have SummaryValue scope.
  • This tuple has scope type Any.
  • Both scopes are type Identifier and have lexographicly equal scope identifiers.
  • Both scopes are the same type of index (Index or RelativeIndex) and have the same scope index.
Public MethodToStringOverloaded. Appends the tuple to the specified string builder.  
See Also