
FinancialChartRangeSelectorVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FinancialChartRangeSelectorVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyButtonHeightsThe heights of each button.  
Public PropertyButtonLabelsThe labels on the buttons.  
Public PropertyButtonLeftsThe left positions of each button.  
Public PropertyButtonsCheckedWhether each button is checked.  
Public PropertyButtonsVisibleAn array of booleans indicating whether or not each button is visible.  
Public PropertyButtonTopsThe top positions of each button.  
Public PropertyButtonWidthsThe widths of each button.  
Public PropertyFromThe start date.  
Public PropertyFromHeightThe height of the from element.  
Public PropertyFromLeftThe left position of the from element.  
Public PropertyFromTopThe top position of the from element.  
Public PropertyFromVisibleVisibility of the from element.  
Public PropertyFromWidthThe width of the from element.  
Public PropertyHeightThe height of this element.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleTrue if the range selector is visible, otherwise False.  
Public PropertyLeftThe left position of this element.  
Public PropertyToThe end date.  
Public PropertyToHeightThe height of the to element.  
Public PropertyToLeftThe left position of the to element.  
Public PropertyTopThe top position of this element.  
Public PropertyToTopThe top position of the to element.  
Public PropertyToVisibleVisibility of the to element.  
Public PropertyToWidthThe width of the to element.  
Public PropertyWidthThe width of this element.  
Public Methods
Public MethodSerializeSerializes to a JSON string.  
See Also