
Caret Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Caret.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBrushReturns the brush used to render the caret. (read only)  
Public PropertyDocumentOffsetReturns the versioned offset of the caret in the Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument associated with the current active RichDocumentView (read-only)  
Public PropertyHeightReturns the height of the caret in pixels. (read only)  
Public PropertyIsVisibleReturns true if the caret is visible. (read-only)  
Public PropertyPixelLocationReturns the Point (in text area coordinates) that represents the top left corner of the Caret. (read only)  
Public PropertyWidthReturns the width of the caret in pixels. (read only)  
Public Methods
Public MethodSetDocumentOffsetSets the offset within the Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument at which the Caret should be logically positioned. The Caret's physical location in the display is adjusted accordingly.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedEvent raised when a property on the object changes.  
See Also