
FindReplaceManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FindReplaceManager.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCurrentReturns the current Infragistics.Documents.RichText.FindMatch or null if there is no current Infragistics.Documents.RichText.FindMatch  
Public PropertyFindMatchesCountReturns a count of the occurrences found by the most recent find operation. (read-only)  
Public PropertyHighlightMatchesCountReturns a count of the currently highlighted items. (read-only)  
Public PropertyIsFindReplaceDialogActiveReturns/sets whether a FindR/Replace dialog is current active.  
Public PropertyRichTextEditorReturns the associated XamRichTextEditor. (read-only)  
Public Methods
Public MethodClearHighlightingClears the list of highlighted items.  
Public MethodClearResultsClears the results from previous find operations.  
Public MethodDisposeDisposes the enumersator.  
Public MethodFindInDocumentFinds all occurrences of the specified text in the current Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument  
Public MethodFindInSelectionFinds all occurrences of the specified text in the current XamRichTextEditor.Selection.  
Public MethodFindInSpanFinds all occurrences of the specified text in the specified Infragistics.Documents.RichText.DocumentSpan.  
Public MethodFindInSpansFinds all occurrences of the specified text in the specified array of Infragistics.Documents.RichText.DocumentSpans.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.  
Public MethodHighlightFinds all occurrences of the specified text and highlights them. If there is an active selection only the selection is searched, otherwise the entire document is searched.  
Public MethodMoveNextMoves the enumerator to the next Infragistics.Documents.RichText.FindMatch if possible.  
Public MethodMovePreviousMoves the enumerator to the previous Infragistics.Documents.RichText.FindMatch if possible.  
Public MethodMoveToNearestMatchFollowingOffsetMoves the enumerator to the first match with a start offset that follows the specified offset.  
Public MethodMoveToNearestMatchPreceedingOffsetMoves the enumerator to the first match with a start offset that follows the specified offset.  
Public MethodReplaceAllReplaces all occurrences of the textToFind with the replacementText.  
Public MethodReplaceCurrentReplaces the current find match with the specified text, or does nothing if there is no current find match.  
Public MethodResetResets the enumerator to the position immediately before the first Infragistics.Documents.RichText.FindMatch.  
Public MethodSelectAllMatchesCauses all the current find matches to be selected in the XamRichTextEditor.Selection  
Public MethodSelectCurrentMatchCauses the current find match (if one exists) to be selected in the XamRichTextEditor.Selection.  
Public MethodSelectNextMatchCauses the next find match (if any) to be selected in the XamRichTextEditor.Selection.  
Public MethodSelectPreviousMatchCauses the previous find match (if any) to be selected in the XamRichTextEditor.Selection.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedEvent raised when a property on the object changes.  
See Also