
Infragistics.Controls.Editors Namespace

ClassActiveDocumentViewChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.ActiveDocumentViewChanged event.
ClassAdornmentGeneratorProvider A factory class that creates instances of an SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase derived type.
ClassAdornmentInfo A class that holds data related to an adornment. Adornments are added to an Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayer by SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase implementations.
ClassAdornmentLayerInfo Provides the data necessary to create an Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayer.
ClassAdornmentLayerKeys A class that exposes the positioning keys used by the built-in Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayers.
ClassAppearanceMap<T> An abstract base class that maintains a collection of mappings between keys and TextDocumentAppearances.
ClassCaret Represents the insertion point in the XamSyntaxEditor.ActiveDocumentView.
ClassClassificationAppearanceMap A class that maintains a collection of mappings between Infragistics.Documents.ClassificationTypes and TextDocumentAppearances.
ClassClassificationAppearanceMapInitializationEntry A class that represents an entry in a MapInitializationEntries collection.
ClassClassificationAppearanceTag Class that inherits from Infragistics.Documents.Tagging.ClassificationTag and adds a property that exposes a ClassificationAppearanceMap
ClassClipboardOperationExecutedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.ClipboardOperationExecuted event.
ClassClipboardOperationExecutingEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.ClipboardOperationExecuting event.
ClassDocumentChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.DocumentChanged event.
ClassDocumentViewBase The abstract base class for all document view classes.
ClassDocumentViewLayoutChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the DocumentViewBase.LayoutChanged event.
ClassDocumentViewLine Represents a line that is displayed in an DocumentViewBase.
ClassDocumentViewLineCollection Represents a collection of lines displayed in a DocumentViewBase.
ClassEditorDocumentView A class that represents a view into the document being edited in the XamSyntaxEditor .
ClassEditorUndoTransaction A custom undo/redo transaction for XamSyntaxEditor operations.
ClassLineNumberMargin A MarginBase derived class that defines a built-in Margin which displays line numbers at the left edge of each line in the EditorDocumentView.
ClassMapInitializationEntries A modifiable observable collection of ClassificationAppearanceMapInitializationEntrys used to inititalize a ClassificationAppearanceMap in XAML
ClassMarginBase An abstract base class for creating classes that provide an implementation for an EditorDocumentView Margin.
ClassMarginKeys A class that exposes the positioning keys used by the built-in Margins.
ClassRulerMargin A MarginBase derived class that defines a built-in Margin which displays a character position ruler at the top of the EditorDocumentView.
ClassScrollManager A class that manages scrolling for an EditorDocumentView.
ClassSelectionDraggingEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.SelectionDragging event.
ClassSelectionDroppingEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.SelectionDropping event.
ClassSelectionUndoUnit Class for an undo/redo operation involving text selection.
ClassSplitStatusChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.SplitStatusChanged event.
ClassSyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase An abstract base class for all adornment providers.
ClassSyntaxEditorSelectionChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.SelectionChanged event.
ClassTextDocumentAppearance Class that holds values which determine the appearance of various aspects the control and its content.
ClassViewEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamSyntaxEditor.ViewLoaded and XamSyntaxEditor.ViewUnloaded events.
ClassViewSelectionManager A class that manages the selection for an EditorDocumentView and exposes properties that allow the selection to be queried and manipulated.
ClassXamSyntaxEditor A control that provides text editing and syntax highlighting functionality based on robust document and syntax parsing frameworks.
InterfaceIDocumentViewLinePart Represents a part within a DocumentViewLine
EnumerationDocumentViewLinePartType Specifies the kind of DocumentViewLine part represented by an IDocumentViewLinePart
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewLayoutChangeType Specifies the type of change that occurred to a DocumentViewLine during the last layout pass.
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewLocation Specifies the location of an EditorDocumentView within the editing area of a XamSyntaxEditor control.
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewMarginLocation Specifies the location of an MarginBase within an EditorDocumentView.
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewSplitOptions Specifies wich split operations are allowed on the the editing area of a XamSyntaxEditor control.
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewSplitStatus Specifies how the editing area of a XamSyntaxEditor control is split.
EnumerationEditorDocumentViewTextUpdateMode Specifies how new text should be applied to a Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument.
EnumerationSyntaxEditorCommandType An enumeration of available commands for the XamSyntaxEditor object.
EnumerationSyntaxEditorDataFormats Specifies the data formats supported when dragging a selection.
EnumerationSyntaxErrorDisplayMode Specifies the options for when to display error squigglies under text that violates the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument's Language grammar rules.
See Also