
IConditionalFormattingRule Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IConditionalFormattingRule.

Public Properties
 PropertyCellValueVisibilityGets whether the text of the cell should be shown during conditional formatting.  
 PropertyColumnGets the Column that the rule will be evaluated against.  
 PropertyIsTerminalRuleGets if this rule should terminate evaluation of any later rules in the evaluation tree that might apply to the cell.  
 PropertyRuleExecutionGets which stage of the data limiting the IConditionalFormattingRule will gather it's data.  
 PropertyShouldRefreshOnDataChangeGets whether the rule needs to invalidate itself if a Cell in the Column changes value.  
 PropertyStyleScopeGets which style will be affected by the rule.  
Public Methods
 MethodCreateProxyCreates a new instance of the class which will execute the logic to populate and execute the conditional formatting logic for this IConditionalFormattingRule.  
See Also