
Row Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Row.

Protected Constructors
Protected Internal ConstructorRow ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Row class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyActualHeightGets the physical height of the RowBase. Note: this only applies if the RowBase had an attached Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellsPanel at some point. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyCellsGets the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellBaseCollection that belongs to the RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyCellStyleGets/Sets the System.Windows.Style that will be used for all CellControl objects on this Row.  
Public PropertyChildBandsGets the ChildBands of this particular Row.  
Public PropertyColumnLayoutGets the RowBase.ColumnLayout that is associated with the RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyColumnsGets the ColumnBaseCollection that is assocated with the RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyControlGets the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellsPanel that is attached to the RowBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyDataGets the underlying data associated with the RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyHasChildrenOverridden. Gets whether or not Row has any child rows.  
Public PropertyHeightGets/Sets the Height that will be applied to this particular RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyHeightResolvedResolves the RowBase.Height property for this Row. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyIndexGets the currentIndex index of the RowBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyIsActiveGets whether or not a cell is the RowBase is active. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyIsAlternateRowOverridden. Determines if the Row is an Alternate row.  
Public PropertyIsExpandedGets/sets whether the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ExpandableRowBase is expanded or collapsed. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.ExpandableRowBase)
Public PropertyIsMouseOverGets whether or not the Mouse is currently over the RowBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyIsSelectedGets/Sets whether an item is currently selected.  
Public PropertyLevelGets the level in the hierarchy of the Row. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyMergeDataGets the Infragistics.MergedRowInfo for the RowBase if the row contains any Merged Columns, otherwise null. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyMinimumRowHeightGets/Sets the Minimum Height of a RowBase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyMinimumRowHeightResolvedResolves the RowBase.MinimumRowHeight property for a particular RowBase.ColumnLayout (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public PropertyParentRowThe ParentRow that owns this Row.  
Public PropertyRowTypeOverridden. Gets the RowType of this RowBase  
Public PropertyTagAllows a user to store additional information about a RowBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyAllowEditingOverridden. Gets if editing will be enabled on this Row.  
Protected Internal PropertyAllowKeyboardNavigationOverridden. Gets whether the RowBase will allow keyboard navigation.  
Protected Internal PropertyAllowSelectionOverridden. Gets whether selection will be allowed on the RowBase.  
Protected PropertyAttachedElement (Inherited from Infragistics.RecyclingContainer<CellsPanel>)
Protected Internal PropertyCanBeDeletedGets whether the Row can actually be deleted.  
Protected Internal PropertyCanScrollHorizontallyGets whether or not a row will ever need to scroll horizontally. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal PropertyChildRowsManagerOverridden. Gets the ChildBandRowsManager that the Row owns.  
Protected Internal PropertyConditionalCellStyleGets / sets a style set by conditional formatting which will be used to style the row.  
Protected Internal PropertyConditionalStyleDirtyGets/Sets wehther thie ConditionalStyle for this row is dirty.  
Protected Internal PropertyFixedPositionSortOrderGets / sets the sort position. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected PropertyIsDataBoundGets/sets whether the Row was generated via the datasource or was entered manually.  
Protected Internal PropertyIsDirty (Inherited from Infragistics.RecyclingContainer<CellsPanel>)
Protected Internal PropertyIsStandAloneRowGets whether this Row can stand alone, when there are no other data rows. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal PropertyIsStandAloneRowResolvedResolves whether this Row will stand alone, based on the state of the grid. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal PropertyItemSourceGets/Sets the children data that the row owns. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected PropertyRecyclingElementTypeOverridden. Gets the Type of control that should be created for the Row.  
Protected PropertyRecyclingIdentifierOverridden. If a RecyclingElementType isn't specified, this property can be used to offer another way of identifying a reyclable element.  
Protected Internal PropertyRequiresFixedRowSeparatorUsed to determine if a FixedRow separator is neccessary for this RowBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal PropertyResolveRowHoverOverridden. Resolves whether the entire row or just the individual cell should be hovered when the mouse is over a cell.  
Protected Internal PropertyVisibleCellsGets a list of cells that are visible. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodDeleteDeletes the row from the RowsManager that contains it.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the RowBase and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodCellEditorValueChangedCalled while the cell in a row is edited. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected MethodCreateInstanceOfRecyclingElementCreates a new instance of the CellsPanel. Note: this method is only meant to be invoked via the RecyclingManager. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal MethodGetCellValueOverridden. Performs the cell.Value without forcing the cell to be made.  
Protected MethodOnElementAttachedOverridden. Called when the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellsPanel is attached to the RowBase  
Protected MethodOnElementReleasedOverridden. Called when the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.Primitives.CellsPanel is removed from the RowBase  
Protected MethodOnElementReleasingOverridden. Invoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is being released from an object.  
Protected MethodOnItemSourceChangedInvoked when the ItemSource property changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.RecyclingContainer<CellsPanel>)
Protected Internal MethodResolveCellReturns the CellBase for the specified ColumnBase (Inherited from Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowBase)
Protected Internal MethodSetSelectedSets the selected state of an item.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.RecyclingContainer<CellsPanel>)
See Also