Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Grids.VisualData Namespace

ClassSpreadsheetCellAreaVisualData Represents the visual data for a cell area within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetCellAreaVisualDataList Represents the visual data for a list of cell areas within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetHeaderAreaVisualData Represents the visual data for a row or column header area within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetHeaderAreaVisualDataList Represents the visual data for a list of row or column header areas within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetRowColumnVisualData Represents the visual data for a row or column within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetRowColumnVisualDataList Represents the visual data for a list of row or column headers within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetTabItemAreaVisualData Represents the visual data for the area containing the sheet tabs
ClassSpreadsheetTabVisualData Represents the visual data for a sheet tab within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetTabVisualDataList Represents the visual data for a list of sheet tabs within the spreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetVisualData Represents the visual data for the spreadsheet.
ClassSpreadsheetVisualDataBase Base class for an object that represents the visual data for the spreadsheet.
See Also