
Infragistics.Controls.Grids Namespace

ClassSpreadsheetActiveCellChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.ActiveCellChanged event.
ClassSpreadsheetActivePaneChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.ActivePaneChanged event.
ClassSpreadsheetActiveTableChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.ActiveTableChanged event.
ClassSpreadsheetActiveWorksheetChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.ActiveWorksheetChanged event.
ClassSpreadsheetCellHitTestResult Class that represents the result of a hit test for a point over a cell within the XamSpreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetCellRangeFormat Returns and sets formatting information on a range of cells.
ClassSpreadsheetChartAdapterBase Defines a base class for spreadsheet chart adapters that creates and initializes a container element which contains the elements required to display the chart in a spreadsheet based on a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart instance.
ClassSpreadsheetColumnScrollRegion Represents one or more SpreadsheetPane instances in a vertical column
ClassSpreadsheetCommandExecutedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.CommandExecuted event.
ClassSpreadsheetCommandExecutingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.CommandExecuting event.
ClassSpreadsheetContextMenuProvider Object used to define the default context menus for a XamSpreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetEditModeEnteredEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditModeEntered event.
ClassSpreadsheetEditModeEnteringEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditModeEntering event.
ClassSpreadsheetEditModeExitedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditModeExited event.
ClassSpreadsheetEditModeExitingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditModeExiting event.
ClassSpreadsheetEditModeValidationErrorEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditModeValidationError event.
ClassSpreadsheetEditRangePasswordNeededEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.EditRangePasswordNeeded event.
ClassSpreadsheetHeaderHitTestResult Class that represents the result of a hit test for a point over a row or column header within the XamSpreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetHitTestResult Base class for the result of a hit test of the XamSpreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetHyperlinkExecutingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.HyperlinkExecuting event.
ClassSpreadsheetPane Provides information about a visualization of a group of rows and columns in a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet
ClassSpreadsheetRowScrollRegion Returns one or more SpreadsheetPane instances in a horizontal row.
ClassSpreadsheetScrollRegion Base class for the object that represents a row or column of SpreadsheetPane instances.
ClassSpreadsheetSelection An object that represents the selected items within a XamSpreadsheet
ClassSpreadsheetSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.SelectionChanged event.
ClassSpreadsheetUserPromptDisplayingEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.UserPromptDisplaying event.
ClassSpreadsheetWorkbookDirtiedEventArgs Event arguments for the XamSpreadsheet.WorkbookDirtied event.
ClassXamSpreadsheet Custom control that displays one or more worksheets.
StructureSpreadsheetCell Represents a single cell in the XamSpreadsheet
StructureSpreadsheetCellRange Represents a range of one or more cells.
EnumerationSpreadsheetCellEditMode Enumeration used to identify the current edit mode state.
EnumerationSpreadsheetCellRangeBorders Enumeration used to identify the borders of a cell range.
EnumerationSpreadsheetCellSelectionMode Enumeration used to indicate the selection is updated when one interacts with the control via the mouse or keyboard.
EnumerationSpreadsheetCommandType Enumeration used to identify an action to be taken by the XamSpreadsheet
EnumerationSpreadsheetContextMenuArea Enumeration used to identify the context menus for the XamSpreadsheet
EnumerationSpreadsheetEditModeValidationErrorAction Enumeration used to identify how the validation error event should be handled.
EnumerationSpreadsheetEnterKeyNavigationDirection Enumeration used to identify the cell to which the XamSpreadsheet should navigate when the enter key (or shift + enter) are pressed.
EnumerationSpreadsheetFilterDialogOption Enumerates options that specify the initial display of the Filter Dialog.
EnumerationSpreadsheetStates Represents the different states of the XamSpreadsheet control. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
EnumerationSpreadsheetUserPromptTrigger Identifies the action that led to the prompt being displayed.
See Also