
OperandInfo Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by OperandInfo.

Public Properties
Public PropertyChildrenGets the collection of operands or owners owned by this instance, if it is an owner.  
Public PropertyDialogGets the Infragistics.Controls.Interactions.FormulaEditorDialog in which the operand or owner is displayed.  
Public PropertyIsDataReferenceGets the value which indicates whether this operand can be the source or target for a formula.  
Public PropertyIsEnabledGets the value which indicates whether this operand is enabled and can be used in the formula.  
Public PropertyIsExpandedGets or sets the value indicating whether the operand or owner is expanded in the UI.  
Public PropertyNameGets the name of the operand or owner.  
Public PropertyNodeTypeGets the type of reference represented by the node.  
Public PropertyReferenceGets the Infragistics.Calculations.Engine.ICalculationReference representing the operand.  
Public PropertySignatureGets the signature of the operand when used in the formula.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the operand is equal to the specified object.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeGets the hash code for the operand.  
Public MethodToStringGets the string representation of the OperandInfo.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property changes on the instance.  
See Also