
NodesManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by NodesManager.

Public Properties
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets the data source for the NodesManager.  
Public PropertyLevelGets the level in the hierarchy of the NodesManager.  
Public PropertyNodeLayoutGets the NodeLayout object that is associated with the NodesManager.  
Public PropertyNodesGets the collection of child nodes that belongs to the NodesManager.  
Public PropertyParentNodeThe ParentNode that owns this NodesManager.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyDataCountGets the amount of XamDataTreeNodes in the NodesManager.  
Protected Internal PropertyDataManagerGets a reference to the Infragistics.DataManagerBase of the NodesManager.  
Protected Internal PropertyFullNodeCountGets the total amount of nodes that can be displayed for the NodesManager.  
Protected Internal PropertyVisibleChildManagersGets a list of currently visible child NodesManager objects.  
Public Methods
Public MethodClearCacheInformationOverloaded. Clears the cached nodes collection for this NodesManager.  
Public MethodCompareToCompares two NodesManager objects based on their index.  
Public MethodInvalidateNodesClears nodes and child nodes and lets the tree rerender.  
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodAddItemAdds a node to the collection.  
Protected Internal MethodCreateItemOverloaded. Creates a new node object  
Protected MethodEnsureDataManagerThis method checks to ensure that a DataManagerBase is created for a given level and if not creates it for that level.  
Protected Internal MethodEnsureExpandedChildNodesAreRegisteredProcesses all nodes in the collection and registers their child nodes manager if expanded.  
Protected MethodGetDataItemReturns the XamDataTreeNode for the given index.  
Protected MethodInitializeDataLooks at the data provided for the NodesManager and generates NodeLayout objects if AutoGenerateNodeLayouts is true.  
Protected Internal MethodInsertItemInserts a node at a given index.  
Protected MethodInvalidateDataTriggers all Data operations to be invalidated.  
Protected MethodOnChildNodeLayoutAddedRaised when a NodeLayout is added to the owning NodeLayout's Columns collection.  
Protected MethodOnChildNodeLayoutRemovedRaised when a NodeLayout is removed from the owning NodeLayout's Columns collection.  
Protected MethodOnChildNodeLayoutVisibilityChangedRaised when a child NodeLayout of the owning NodeLayout, visibility changes.  
Protected MethodOnItemsSourceChangedInvoked when the the underlying ItemsSource property changes.  
Protected MethodOnNodeLayoutAssignedCalled when the NodeLayout assigned to this NodesManager changes.  
Protected MethodOnNodeLayoutPropertyChangedRaised when a property has changed on the NodeLayout that this NodesManager represents.  
Protected MethodOnRegisteredAsVisibleChildManagerInvoked when a NodesManager is now visible, meaning it's Parent node is expanded.  
Protected Internal MethodRegisterChildNodesManagerAdds the specified NodesManager as a visible child manager, so that it will be considered in the rendering of nodes.  
Protected MethodRemoveItemOverloaded. Removes a node from the underlying ItemSource  
Protected MethodRemoveRangeRemoves the specified node from the collection.  
Protected Internal MethodResolveIndexForNodeReturns the index for a given node.  
Protected Internal MethodResolveNodeForIndexReturns the XamDataTreeNode for the given index.  
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterAllChildNodesManagerRemoves all visible child managers, so that they will no longer be considered in the rendering of nodes.  
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterChildNodesManagerRemoves the specified NodesManager as a visible child manager, so that it will no longer be considered in the rendering of nodes.  
Protected Internal MethodUnregisterNodesManagerWhen a NodesManager is no longer needed, this method should be called, to detach all events that are hooked up. To avoid Memory leaks.  
See Also